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IRF630 Datasheet(PDF) 2 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
IRF630 Datasheet(HTML) 2 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
2 / 9 page Philips Semiconductors Product specification N-channel TrenchMOS ™ transistor IRF630, IRF630S AVALANCHE ENERGY LIMITING VALUES Limiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. MAX. UNIT E AS Non-repetitive avalanche Unclamped inductive load, I AS = 5 A; - 250 mJ energy t p = 380 µs; Tj prior to avalanche = 25˚C; V DD ≤ 25 V; RGS = 50 Ω; VGS = 10 V; refer to fig;14 I AS Peak non-repetitive - 9 A avalanche current THERMAL RESISTANCES SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT R th j-mb Thermal resistance junction - - 1.7 K/W to mounting base R th j-a Thermal resistance junction SOT78 package, in free air - 60 - K/W to ambient SOT404 package, pcb mounted, minimum - 50 - K/W footprint ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS T j= 25˚C unless otherwise specified SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT V (BR)DSS Drain-source breakdown V GS = 0 V; ID = 0.25 mA; 200 - - V voltage T j = -55˚C 178 - - V V GS(TO) Gate threshold voltage V DS = VGS; ID = 1 mA 2 3 4 V T j = 175˚C 1 - - V T j = -55˚C - 6 V R DS(ON) Drain-source on-state V GS = 10 V; ID = 5.4 A - 300 400 m Ω resistance T j = 175˚C - - 1.12 Ω g fs Forward transconductance V DS = 25 V; ID = 5.4 A 3.8 9 - S I GSS Gate source leakage current V GS = ± 20 V; VDS = 0 V - 10 100 nA I DSS Zero gate voltage drain V DS = 200 V; VGS = 0 V - 0.05 10 µA current V DS = 160 V; VGS = 0 V; Tj = 175˚C - - 250 µA Q g(tot) Total gate charge I D = 5.9 A; VDD = 160 V; VGS = 10 V - - 39 nC Q gs Gate-source charge - - 6.3 nC Q gd Gate-drain (Miller) charge - - 21 nC t d on Turn-on delay time V DD = 100 V; RD = 10 Ω;- 8 - ns t r Turn-on rise time V GS = 10 V; RG = 5.6 Ω -19 - ns t d off Turn-off delay time Resistive load - 25 - ns t f Turn-off fall time - 15 - ns L d Internal drain inductance Measured tab to centre of die - 3.5 - nH L d Internal drain inductance Measured from drain lead to centre of die - 4.5 - nH (SOT78 package only) L s Internal source inductance Measured from source lead to source - 7.5 - nH bond pad C iss Input capacitance V GS = 0 V; VDS = 25 V; f = 1 MHz - 959 - pF C oss Output capacitance - 93 - pF C rss Feedback capacitance - 54 - pF August 1999 2 Rev 1.100 |
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