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BK3266TS28 Datasheet(PDF) 16 Page - Beken Corporation

Part # BK3266TS28
Description  Bluetooth Audio SoC
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Manufacturer  BEKEN [Beken Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.bekencorp.com/en
Logo BEKEN - Beken Corporation

BK3266TS28 Datasheet(HTML) 16 Page - Beken Corporation

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Low Power Bluetooth Audio SoC
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There is tunable load capacitance from 6 to 18 pF (both side have this
capacitance) with 64 steps to tune the crystal frequency, that no external
capacitance is needed.
Power Management
The power management system on the BK3266 includes a battery charger, two
buck regulators which can be configured as low–drop out (LDO) regulators and
several internal LDO regulators to provide voltage and noise isolation to various
parts of the chip.
The BK3266 can be powered directly from a 2.8V to 4.2V external battery via the
VCC4BAT pin or it can be powered from a 4.75V to 5.75V USB power supply via
the VCC5USB pin. For battery powered applications, the BK3266 will generate
3.2V to the VCC3SYS pin using the SYS LDO regulator for the other of the chip
to run off of. When USB power is available, the BK3266 will get its power from
the USB power supply and will use the USB LDO regulator to generate 3.3V for
the rest of the system to run from. If a low voltage battery is connected while the
USB power supply is applied, the BK3266 will automatically charge the battery
using charge current control while providing power to the chip through the USB
LDO regulator.
When BUCK is enabled, the internal analog and digital buck regulators (BUCKA,
BUCKD) directly work under VBAT; The VCC3SYS regulated output voltage
serves as the voltage source to all others of the chip. The LDO regulators
(LDOA, LDOD, XTAL, Flash and digital) all use the VCC3SYS output voltage as
their input voltage. Outputs from the buck and LDO regulators require proper
bypass capacitors to reduce supply noise and these outputs are to be used only
by the BK3266. Please refer to the BK3266 EVB Users Guide or application note
for more details about choosing the proper bypass capacitors.
Also one BUCK mode is available. In this condition, BUCKA is on, and BUCKD
is off; and LDOD is work under output of BUCKA.
The two on-chip buck converters reduce the current consumption by about 50%
and thus provide a significant improvement in overall chip power consumption.
The BK3266 can enter standby mode when there is no active connection. The
standby mode can be awakened by any GPIO signal and by applying the USB
power supply.
GPIO and LED Driver
The BK3266 has a total 16 GPIOs, which can be configured as either input or
output. Most of them have a second function as shown below:

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