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NCP5425DBR2G Datasheet(PDF) 16 Page - ON Semiconductor |
NCP5425DBR2G Datasheet(HTML) 16 Page - ON Semiconductor |
16 / 22 page NCP5425 http://onsemi.com 16 where: IRMS(H) = maximum switching MOSFET RMS current; IL(PEAK) = inductor peak current; IL(VALLEY) = inductor valley current; D = duty cycle. Once the RMS current through the switch is known, the switching MOSFET conduction losses can be calculated by: PRMS(H) + IRMS(H)2 RDS(ON) where: PRMS(H) = switching MOSFET conduction losses; IRMS(H) = maximum switching MOSFET RMS current; RDS(ON) = FET drain−to−source on−resistance. Upper MOSFET switching losses occur during MOSFET switch−on and switch−off, and can be calculated by: PSWH + PSWH(ON) ) PSWH(OFF) + VIN IOUT (tRISE ) tFALL) 6T where: PSWH(ON) = upper MOSFET switch−on losses; PSWH(OFF) = upper MOSFET switch−off losses; VIN = input voltage; IOUT = load current; TRISE =MOSFET rise time (from FET manufacturer’s switching characteristics performance curve); TFALL = MOSFET fall time (from FET manufacturer’s switching characteristics performance curve); T = 1/fSW = period. The total power dissipation in the switching MOSFET can then be calculated as: PHFET(TOTAL) + PRMS(H) ) PSWH(ON) ) PSWH(OFF) where: PHFET(TOTAL) = total switching (upper) MOSFET losses; PRMS(H) = upper MOSFET switch conduction Losses; PSWH(ON) = upper MOSFET switch−on losses; PSWH(OFF) = upper MOSFET switch−off losses. Once the total power dissipation in the switching FET is known, the maximum FET switch junction temperature can be calculated: TJ + TA ) [PHFET(TOTAL) R qJA] where: TJ = FET junction temperature; TA = ambient temperature; PHFET(TOTAL) = total switching (upper) FET losses; RqJA = upper FET junction−to−ambient thermal resistance. Synchronous (Lower) FET Selection The switch conduction losses for the lower FET are calculated as follows: PRMS(L) + IRMS2 RDS(ON) + IOUT (1 * D) 2 RDS(ON) where: PRMS(L) = lower MOSFET conduction losses; IOUT = load current; D = Duty Cycle; RDS(ON) = lower FET drain−to−source on−resistance. The synchronous MOSFET has no switching losses, except for losses in the internal body diode, because it turns on into near zero voltage conditions. The MOSFET body diode will conduct during the non−overlap time and the resulting power dissipation (neglecting reverse recovery losses) can be calculated as follows: PSWL + VSD ILOAD non−overlap time fSW where: PSWL = lower FET switching losses; VSD = lower FET source−to−drain voltage; ILOAD = load current; Non−overlap time = GATE(L)−to−GATE(H) or GATE(H)−to−GATE(L) delay (from NCP5425 data sheet Electrical Characteristics section); fSW = switching frequency. The total power dissipation in the synchronous (lower) MOSFET can then be calculated as: PLFET(TOTAL) + PRMS(L) ) PSWL where: PLFET(TOTAL) = Synchronous (lower) FET total losses; PRMS(L) = Switch Conduction Losses; PSWL = Switching losses. Once the total power dissipation in the synchronous FET is known the maximum FET switch junction temperature can be calculated: TJ + TA ) [PLFET(TOTAL) R qJA] where: TJ = MOSFET junction temperature; TA = ambient temperature; PLFET(TOTAL) = total synchronous (lower) FET losses; RqJA = lower FET junction−to−ambient thermal resistance. |
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