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NCP5425DBR2G Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - ON Semiconductor |
NCP5425DBR2G Datasheet(HTML) 15 Page - ON Semiconductor |
15 / 22 page NCP5425 http://onsemi.com 15 Maximum allowable ESR can then be determined according to the formula: ESRMAX + DVESR DIOUT where: DVESR =change in output voltage due to ESR (assigned by the designer) Once the maximum allowable ESR is determined, the number of output capacitors can be calculated: Number of capacitors + ESRCAP ESRMAX where: ESRCAP = maximum ESR per capacitor (specified in manufacturer’s data sheet); ESRMAX = maximum allowable ESR. The actual output voltage deviation due to ESR can then be verified and compared to the value assigned by the designer: DVESR + DIOUT ESRMAX Similarly, the maximum allowable ESL is calculated from the following formula: ESLMAX + DVESL Dt DI Input Inductor Selection A common requirement is that the buck controller must not disturb the input voltage. One method of achieving this is by using an input inductor and a bypass capacitor. The input inductor isolates the supply from the noise generated in the switching portion of the buck regulator and also limits the inrush current into the input capacitors during power up. The inductor’s limiting effect on the input current slew rate becomes increasingly beneficial during load transients. The worst case is when the load changes from no load to full load (load step), a condition under which the highest voltage change across the input capacitors is also seen by the input inductor. An input inductor successfully blocks the ripple current while placing the transient current requirements on the input bypass capacitor bank, which has to initially support the sudden load change. The minimum value for the input inductor is: LIN + DV (dl dt)MAX where: LIN = input inductor value; DV =voltage seen by the input inductor during a full load swing; (dI/dt)MAX = maximum allowable input current slew rate. The designer must select the LC filter pole frequency such that a minimum of 40 dB attenuation is obtained at the regulator switching frequency. The LC filter is a double−pole network with a slope of −2.0, a roll−off rate of −40 dB/decade, and a corner frequency given by: fC + 1 2 p LC where: L = input inductor; C = input capacitor(s). POWER FET SELECTION FET Basics The use of a MOSFET as a power switch is compelled by two reasons: 1) high input impedance; and 2) fast switching times. The electrical characteristics of a MOSFET are considered to be nearly those of a perfect switch. Control and drive circuitry power is therefore reduced. Because the input impedance is so high, it is voltage driven. The input of the MOSFET acts as if it were a small capacitor, which the driving circuit must charge at turn on. The lower the drive impedance, the higher the rate of rise of VGS, and the faster the turn−on time. Power dissipation in the switching MOSFET consists of: (1) conduction losses, (2) leakage losses, (3) turn−on switching losses, (4) turn−off switching losses, and (5) gate−transitions losses. The latter three losses are all proportional to frequency. The most important aspect of FET performance is the Static Drain−to−Source On−Resistance (RDS(ON)), which affects regulator efficiency and FET thermal management requirements. The On−Resistance determines the amount of current a FET can handle without excessive power dissipation that may cause overheating and potentially catastrophic failure. As the drain current rises, especially above the continuous rating, the On−Resistance also increases. Its positive temperature coefficient is between +0.6%/ _C and +0.85%/_C. The higher the On−Resistance, the larger the conduction loss is. Additionally, the FET gate charge should be low in order to minimize switching losses and reduce power dissipation. Both logic level and standard FETs can be used. Voltage applied to the FET gates depends on the application circuit used. Both upper and lower gate driver outputs are specified to drive to within 1.5 V of ground when in the low state and to within 2.0 V of their respective bias supplies when in the high state. In practice, the FET gates will be driven rail−to−rail due to overshoot caused by the capacitive load they present to the controller IC. Switching (Upper) FET Selection The designer must ensure that the total power dissipation in the FET switch does not cause the power component’s junction temperature to exceed 150 _C. The maximum RMS current through the switch can be determined by the following formula: IRMS(H) + IL(PEAK)2 ) (IL(PEAK) IL(VALLEY)) ) IL(VALLEY)2 D 3 |
Similar Part No. - NCP5425DBR2G |
Similar Description - NCP5425DBR2G |
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