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NBSG86A Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - ON Semiconductor |
NBSG86A Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - ON Semiconductor |
7 / 14 page NBSG86A http://onsemi.com 7 Table 11. DC CHARACTERISTICS, INPUT WITH PECL OUTPUT VCC = 3.3 V; VEE = 0 V (Note 15) Symbol Characteristic −40 °C 25 °C 70 °C(BGA)/85°C(QFN)*** Unit Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max IEE Negative Power Supply Current 23 30 39 23 30 39 23 30 39 mA VOH Output HIGH Voltage (Note 16) 2260 2310 2360 2290 2340 2390 2315 2365 2415 mV VOL Output LOW Voltage (Note 16) (OLS = VCC) (OLS = VCC − 0.4 V) (OLS = VCC − 0.8 V, OLS = FLOAT) (OLS = VCC − 1.2 V) **(OLS = VEE) 1320 2030 1550 2260 1785 1470 2090 1670 2310 1875 1620 2180 1790 2390 1995 1360 2065 1585 2290 1820 1510 2125 1705 2340 1910 1660 2215 1825 2420 2030 1390 2090 1615 2315 1850 1540 2150 1735 2365 1940 1690 2240 1855 2445 2060 mV VOUTPP Output Amplitude Voltage (OLS = VCC) (OLS = VCC − 0.4 V) (OLS = VCC − 0.8 V, OLS = FLOAT) (OLS = VCC − 1.2 V) **(OLS = VEE) 705 130 535 0 345 815 220 640 0 435 695 125 530 0 340 805 215 635 0 430 690 125 525 0 335 800 215 630 0 425 mV VIH Input HIGH Voltage (Single−Ended) (Note 18) D, D VEE + 1275 VCC − 1000* VCC VEE + 1275 VCC − 1000* VCC VEE + 1275 VCC − 1000* VCC mV VIL Input LOW Voltage (Single−Ended) (Note 19) D, D VIH− 2600 VCC− 1400* VIH− 150 VIH− 2600 VCC− 1400* VIH− 150 VIH− 2600 VCC− 1400* VIH− 150 mV VIHCMR Input HIGH Voltage Common Mode Range (Differential Configuration) (Note 17) 1.2 3.3 1.2 3.3 1.2 3.3 V RTIN Internal Input Termination Resistor 45 50 55 45 50 55 45 50 55 W IIH Input HIGH Current (@VIH) D, D SEL 30 5 100 50 30 5 100 50 30 5 100 50 mA IIL Input LOW Current (@VIL) D, D SEL 20 5 100 50 20 5 100 50 20 5 100 50 mA NOTE: GigaComm circuits are designed to meet the DC specifications shown in the above table after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse airflow greater than 500 lfpm is maintained. 15. Input and output parameters vary 1:1 with VCC. VEE can vary +0.925 V to −0.165 V. 16. All loading with 50 W to VCC − 2.0 V. 17. VIHCMR min varies 1:1 with VEE, VIHCMR max varies 1:1 with VCC. The VIHCMR range is referenced to the most positive side of the differential input signal. 18. VIH cannot exceed VCC. 19. VIL always w VEE. *Typicals used for testing purposes. **When an output level of 400 mV is desired and VCC − VEE > 3.0 V, a 2 kW resistor should be connected from OLS to VEE. ***The device packaged in FCBGA−16 have maximum ambient temperature specification of 70 °C and devices packaged in QFN−16 have maximum ambient temperature specification of 85 °C. |
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