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GVAP416 Datasheet(PDF) 11 Page - Schneider Electric |
GVAP416 Datasheet(HTML) 11 Page - Schneider Electric |
11 / 64 page Manual Motor Starters, Controllers, and Protectors Accessories Selection 11 10/02 © 2001-2002 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved (1) To order an undervoltage trip: replace the dot (p) with a U, example: GVAU025. To order a shunt trip: replace the dot (p) with an S, example: GVAS025. (2) Visible isolation of the 3 poles upstream of circuit-breaker GV2P and GV2L. (3) Mounting of a GVAE contact block or a GV2AK00 visible isolation block on GV2P and GV2L. Electric Trips Description Voltage Hz Catalog Number Weight lb (kg) Undervoltage or shunt trips (1) Side (1 block on RH side of GV2) 24 V 50 Hz GVAp025 0.23 (0.105) 60 Hz GVAp026 0.23 (0.105) 48 V 50 Hz GVAp055 0.23 (0.105) 60 Hz GVAp056 0.23 (0.105) 100 V 50 Hz GVAp107 0.23 (0.105) 100…110 V 60 Hz GVAp107 0.23 (0.105) 110…115 V 50 Hz GVAp115 0.23 (0.105) 60 Hz GVAp116 0.23 (0.105) 120…127 V 50 Hz GVAp125 0.23 (0.105) 127 V 60 Hz GVAp115 0.23 (0.105) 200 V 50 Hz GVAp207 0.23 (0.105) 200 V…220 V 60 Hz GVAp207 0.23 (0.105) 220 V…240 V 50 Hz GVAp225 0.23 (0.105) 60 Hz GVAp226 0.23 (0.105) 380 V…400 V 50 Hz GVAp385 0.23 (0.105) 60 Hz GVAp386 0.23 (0.105) 415 V…440 V 50 Hz GVAp415 0.23 (0.105) 415 V 60 Hz GVAp416 0.23 (0.105) 440 V 60 Hz GVAp385 0.23 (0.105) 480 V 60 Hz GVAp415 0.23 (0.105) 500 V 50 Hz GVAp505 0.23 (0.105) 600 V 60 Hz GVAp505 0.23 (0.105) Undervoltage trip, INRS (can only be mounted on GV2-ME) Safety device for dangerous machines, conforming to INRS and VDE 0113 Side (1 block on RH side of GV2) 110…115 V 50 Hz GVAX115 0.24 (0.110) 60 Hz GVAX116 0.24 (0.110) 127 V 60 Hz GVAX115 0.24 (0.110) 220…240 V 50 Hz GVAX225 0.24 (0.110) 60 Hz GVAX226 0.24 (0.110) 380…400 V 50 Hz GVAX385 0.24 (0.110) 60 Hz GVAX386 0.24 (0.110) 415…440 V 50 Hz GVAX415 0.24 (0.110) 440 V 60 Hz GVAX385 0.24 (0.110) Add-on contact blocks Description Mounting Maximum number Catalog Number Weight lb (kg) Visible isolation block (2) Front (3) 1 GV2AK00 0.33 (0.150) Limiters At top (GV2ME and GV2P) 1 GV1L3 0.29 (0.130) Independent 1 LA9LB920 0.70 (0.320) Fuse Holder, 30 amp maximum Description For Fuse Type For Use In Sold in Lots of Catalog Number Weight lb (kg) Screw clamp terminals, 3-pole CC, KTK-R 0.41 X 1.5 (10.3 X 38 mm) US Markets 1 LS1D30 0.5 (0.23) Spring Terminals, 3-pole CC, KTK-R 0.41 X 1.5 (10.3 X 38 mm) US Markets 1 LS1D303 0.5 (0.23) Screw clamp terminals, 3-pole aM, gG 0.39 X 1.5 (10 X 38 mm) European Markets 1 LS1D32 0.5 (0.23) Sprint terminals, 3-pole aM, gG 0.39 X 1.5 (10 X 38 mm) European Markets 1 LS1D323 0.5 (0.23) Screw clamp terminals, 4-pole aM, gG 0.39 X 1.5 (10 X 38 mm) European Markets 1 LS1DT32 0.5 (0.23) |
Similar Part No. - GVAP416 |
Similar Description - GVAP416 |
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