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120-1 Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - HellermannTyton.

Part # 120-1
Description  NorthAmericanProductGuide
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Manufacturer  HELLERMANNTYTON [HellermannTyton.]
Direct Link  https://www.hellermanntyton.us/
Logo HELLERMANNTYTON - HellermannTyton.

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6. orderiNG Procedure
When ordering heatshrink shapes, it is necessary to give a complete part number to enable efficient
processing of your order. Part numbers can be made up of the following typical components:-
Denotes the presence and
type of adhesive.
For filler ports, add suffix 'P' or
'D' for drain holes.
Denotes material reference. L compuond
shapes refere to factory when ordering
Denotes expansion and special details.
2. adhesives
Moulded shapes can be ordered with the option of an adhesive lining. The options are:
WM250 – Hot melt adhesive. Operating temperature range -50°C to +80°C
W1 – WM250 adhesive applied to NAVSEA specification requirements
W8 – High temperature hot melt adhesive. Operating temperature range -55°C to +120°C
W24 – One part epoxy. Operating temperature range -75°C to +200°C
W2- Spiral lined Hot melt adhesive. operating temperature range -50°C to+80°C
For further details on specifications and properties including epoxy adhesives, see page 8-9.
3. sPecial ModiFicatioNs
Fillerports and drainholes are also available where it is desired to inject sealant.
P= Filler ports for potting - 0.12 inch ø vent and 0.18 inch ø filler.
D= Drain holes 4 off - 0.12 inch ø at H end equally spaced 90° apart.
4. Product stYle aNd siZe
Good working practice dictates that the shape should be selected so that when it is shrunk onto the
component it is 20% larger than the fully recovered dimensions stated in the catalogue.
If you have any application not covered by our standard range, please refer to your local sales
Denotes the exact shape.

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