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TMP411 Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - Burr-Brown (TI) |
TMP411 Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - Burr-Brown (TI) |
14 / 25 page TMP411 SBOS383A − FEBRUARY 2007 www.ti.com 14 Table 8. N-Factor Range NADJUST BINARY HEX DECIMAL N 01111111 7F 127 1.747977 00001010 0A 10 1.042759 00001000 08 8 1.035616 00000110 06 6 1.028571 00000100 04 4 1.021622 00000010 02 2 1.014765 00000001 01 1 1.011371 00000000 00 0 1.008 11111111 FF −1 1.004651 11111110 FE −2 1.001325 11111100 FC −4 0.994737 11111010 FA −6 0.988235 11111000 F8 −8 0.981818 11110110 F6 −10 0.975484 10000000 80 −128 0.706542 MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM REGISTERS The TMP411 stores the minimum and maximum temperature measured since power-on, chip-reset, or minimum and maximum register reset for both the local and remote channels. The Local Temperature Minimum Register may be read by reading the high byte from pointer address 30h and the low byte from pointer address 31h. The Local Temperature Minimum Register may also be read by using a two-byte read command from pointer address 30h. The Local Temperature Minimum Register is reset at power-on, by executing the chip-reset command, or by writing any value to any of pointer addresses 30h through 37h. The reset value for these registers is FFh/F0h. The Local Temperature Maximum Register may be read by reading the high byte from pointer address 32h and the low byte from pointer address 33h. The Local Temperature Maximum Register may also be read by using a two-byte read command from pointer address 32h. The Local Temperature Maximum Register is reset at power-on by executing the chip reset command, or by writing any value to any of pointer addresses 30h through 37h. The reset value for these registers is 00h/00h. The Remote Temperature Minimum Register may be read by reading the high byte from pointer address 34h and the low byte from pointer address 35h. The Remote Temperature Minimum Register may also be read by using a two-byte read command from pointer address 34h. The Remote Temperature Minimum Register is reset at power-on by executing the chip reset command, or by writing any value to any of pointer addresses 30h through 37h. The reset value for these registers is FFh/F0h. The Remote Temperature Maximum Register may be read by reading the high byte from pointer address 36h and the low byte from pointer address 37h. The Remote Temperature Maximum Register may also be read by using a two-byte read command from pointer address 36h. The Remote Temperature Maximum Register is reset at power-on by executing the chip reset command, or by writing any value to any of pointer addresses 30h through 37h. The reset value for these registers is 00h/00h. SOFTWARE RESET The TMP411 may be reset by writing any value to Pointer Register FCh. This restores the power-on reset state to all of the TMP411 registers as well as abort any conversion in process and clear the ALERT and THERM pins. The TMP411 also supports reset via the two-wire general call address (00000000). The TMP411 acknowledges the general call address and responds to the second byte. If the second byte is 00000110, the TMP411 executes a software reset. The TMP411 takes no action in response to other values in the second byte. CONSECUTIVE ALERT REGISTER The value in the Consecutive Alert Register (address 22h) determines how many consecutive out-of-limit measurements must occur on a measurement channel before the ALERT signal is activated. The value in this register does not affect bits in the Status Register. Values of one, two, three, or four consecutive conversions can be selected; one conversion is the default. This function allows additional filtering for the ALERT pin. The consecutive alert bits are shown in Table 9. Table 9. Consecutive Alert Register CONSECUTIVE ALERT REGISTER (READ = 22h, WRITE = 22h, POR = 80h) C2 C1 C0 NUMBER OF CONSECUTIVE OUT-OF-LIMIT MEASUREMENTS 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 NOTE: Bit 7 of the Consecutive Alert Register controls the enable/disable of the timeout function. See the Timeout Function section for a description of this feature. |
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