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EP1C12F100C6ES Datasheet(PDF) 78 Page - Altera Corporation

Part # EP1C12F100C6ES
Description  Cyclone FPGA Family Data Sheet
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Manufacturer  ALTERA [Altera Corporation]
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EP1C12F100C6ES Datasheet(HTML) 78 Page - Altera Corporation

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Altera Corporation
January 2007
Cyclone Device Handbook, Volume 1
Designers can use the Altera web Early Power Estimator to estimate the
device power.
Cyclone devices require a certain amount of power-up current to
successfully power up because of the nature of the leading-edge process
on which they are fabricated. Table 4–17 shows the maximum power-up
current required to power up a Cyclone device.
Designers should select power supplies and regulators that can supply
this amount of current when designing with Cyclone devices. This
specification is for commercial operating conditions. Measurements were
performed with an isolated Cyclone device on the board. Decoupling
capacitors were not used in this measurement. To factor in the current for
decoupling capacitors, sum up the current for each capacitor using the
following equation:
I = C (dV/dt)
The exact amount of current that is consumed varies according to the
process, temperature, and power ramp rate. If the power supply or
regulator can supply more current than required, the Cyclone device may
consume more current than the maximum current specified in Table 4–17.
However, the device does not require any more current to successfully
power up than what is listed in Table 4–17.
The duration of the ICCINT power-up requirement depends on the VCCINT
voltage supply rise time. The power-up current consumption drops when
the VCCINT supply reaches approximately 0.75 V. For example, if the
VCCINT rise time has a linear rise of 15 ms, the current consumption spike
drops by 7.5 ms.
Table 4–17. Cyclone Maximum Power-Up Current (ICCINT) Requirements (In-Rush Current)
Commercial Specification
Industrial Specification
Notes to Table 4–17:
The Cyclone devices (except for the EP1C20 device) meet the power up specification for Mini PCI.
The lot codes 9G0082 to 9G2999, or 9G3109 and later comply to the specifications in Table 4–17 and meet the Mini
PCI specification. Lot codes appear at the top of the device.
The lot codes 9H0004 to 9H29999, or 9H3014 and later comply to the specifications in this table and meet the Mini
PCI specification. Lot codes appear at the top of the device.

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