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PIC12F683 Datasheet(PDF) 82 Page - Microchip Technology |
PIC12F683 Datasheet(HTML) 82 Page - Microchip Technology |
82 / 148 page PIC12F683 DS41211B-page 80 Preliminary 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. 12.3.4 BROWN-OUT DETECT (BOD) The BODEN0 and BODEN1 bits in the Configuration Word register select one of four BOD modes. Two modes have been added to allow software or hardware control of the BOD enable. When BODEN<1:0> = 01, the SBODEN bit (PCON<4>) enables/disables the BOD allowing it to be controlled in software. By select- ing BODEN<1:0>, the BOD is automatically disabled in Sleep to conserve power and enabled on wake-up. In this mode, the SBODEN bit is disabled. See Register 12-1 for the Configuration Word register definition. If VDD falls below VBOD for greater than parameter TBOD (see Section 15.0 “Electrical Specifications”), the Brown-out situation will reset the device. This will occur regardless of VDD slew rate. A Reset is not ensured to occur if VDD falls below VBOD for less than parameter (TBOD). On any Reset (Power-on, Brown-out Detect, Watchdog Timer, etc.), the chip will remain in Reset until VDD rises above VBOD (see Figure 12-3). The Power-up Timer will now be invoked, if enabled and will keep the chip in Reset an additional 64 ms. If VDD drops below VBOD while the Power-up Timer is running, the chip will go back into a Brown-out Detect and the Power-up Timer will be re-initialized. Once VDD rises above VBOD, the Power-up Timer will execute a 64 ms Reset. BOD Calibration The PIC12F683 stores the BOD calibration values in fuses located in the Calibration Word register (2008h). The Calibration Word register is not erased when using the specified bulk erase sequence in the “PIC12F6XX/ 16F6XX Memory Programming Specification” (DS41204) and thus, does not require reprogramming. FIGURE 12-3: BROWN-OUT SITUATIONS Note: The Power-up Timer is enabled by the PWRTE bit in the Configuration Word register. Note: Address 2008h is beyond the user program memory space. It belongs to the special configuration memory space (2000h-3FFFh), which can be accessed only during programming. See “PIC12F6XX/16F6XX Memory Program- ming Specification” (DS41204) for more information. 64 ms(1) VBOD VDD Internal Reset VBOD VDD Internal Reset 64 ms(1) < 64 ms 64 ms(1) VBOD VDD Internal Reset Note 1: 64 ms delay only if PWRTE bit is programmed to ‘0’. VBOD |
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