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PIC12F683 Datasheet(PDF) 55 Page - Microchip Technology |
PIC12F683 Datasheet(HTML) 55 Page - Microchip Technology |
55 / 148 page 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. Preliminary DS41211B-page 53 PIC12F683 8.7 Comparator Response Time Response time is the minimum time, after selecting a new reference voltage or input source, before the comparator output is ensured to have a valid level. If the internal reference is changed, the maximum delay of the internal voltage reference must be considered when using the comparator output. Otherwise, the maximum delay of the comparator should be used (Table 15-8). 8.8 Operation During Sleep The comparator and voltage reference, if enabled before entering Sleep mode, remain active during Sleep. This results in higher Sleep currents than shown in the power-down specifications. The additional current consumed by the comparator and the voltage reference is shown separately in the specifications. To minimize power consumption while in Sleep mode, turn off the comparator, CM<2:0> = 111 and voltage reference, VRCON<7> = 0. While the comparator is enabled during Sleep, an inter- rupt will wake-up the device. If the GIE bit (INTCON<7>) is set, the device will jump to the inter- rupt vector (0004h) and if clear, continues execution with the next instruction. If the device wakes up from Sleep, the contents of the CMCON0, CMCON1 and VRCON registers are not affected. 8.9 Effects of a Reset A device Reset forces the CMCON0, CMCON1 and VRCON registers to their Reset states. This forces the comparator module to be in the Comparator Reset mode, CM<2:0> = 000 and the voltage reference to its off state. Thus, all potential inputs are analog inputs with the comparator and voltage reference disabled to consume the smallest current possible. REGISTER 8-3: VRCON – VOLTAGE REFERENCE CONTROL REGISTER (ADDRESS: 99h) R/W-0 U-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 VREN —VRR — VR3 VR2 VR1 VR0 bit 7 bit 0 bit 7 VREN: CVREF Enable bit 1 = CVREF circuit powered on 0 = CVREF circuit powered down, no IDD drain and CVREF = VSS bit 6 Unimplemented: Read as ‘0’ bit 5 VRR: CVREF Range Selection bit 1 = Low range 0 = High range bit 4 Unimplemented: Read as ‘0’ bit 3-0 VR<3:0>: CVREF Value Selection 0 ≤ VR <3:0> ≤ 15 When VRR = 1: CVREF = (VR<3:0>/24) * VDD When VRR = 0: CVREF = VDD/4 + (VR<3:0>/32) * VDD Legend: R = Readable bit W = Writable bit U = Unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’ - n = Value at POR ‘1’ = Bit is set ‘0’ = Bit is cleared x = Bit is unknown |
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