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PIC12F683 Datasheet(PDF) 53 Page - Microchip Technology |
PIC12F683 Datasheet(HTML) 53 Page - Microchip Technology |
53 / 148 page 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. Preliminary DS41211B-page 51 PIC12F683 8.4 Comparator Output The comparator output is read through the CMCON0 register. This bit is read-only. The comparator output may also be directly output to the GP2 pin. When enabled, multiplexors in the output path of the GP2 pin will switch and the output will be the unsynchronized output of the comparator. The uncertainty of the comparator is related to the input offset voltage and the response time given in the specifications. Figure 8-4 shows the output block diagram for the comparator. The TRISIO bit will still function as an output enable/ disable for the GP2 pin while in this mode. The polarity of the comparator outputs can be changed using the CINV bit (CMCON0<4>). Timer1 gate source can be configured to use the T1G pin or the comparator output as selected by the T1GSS bit (CMCON1<1>). This feature can be used to time the duration or interval of analog events. The output of the comparator can also be synchronized with Timer1 by setting the CMSYNC bit (CMCON1<0>). When enabled, the output of the comparator is latched on the falling edge of the Timer1 clock source. If a prescaler is used with Timer1, the comparator is latched after the prescaler. To prevent a race condition, the comparator output is latched on the falling edge of the Timer1 clock source and Timer1 increments on the rising edge of its clock source. See Figure 8-4, Comparator Output Block Diagram and Figure 6-1, Timer1 on the PIC12F683 Block Diagram for more information. It is recommended to synchronize the comparator with Timer1 by setting the CMSYNC bit when the compara- tor is used as the Timer1 gate source. This ensures Timer1 does not miss an increment if the comparator changes during an increment. 8.5 Comparator Interrupt The comparator interrupt flag is set whenever there is a change in the output value of the comparator. Software will need to maintain information about the status of the output bit, as read from CMCON0<6>, to determine the actual change that has occurred. The CMIF bit (PIR1<3>) is the Comparator Interrupt Flag. This bit must be reset in software by clearing it to ‘0’. Since it is also possible to write a ‘1’ to this register, a simulated interrupt may be initiated. The CMIE bit (PIE1<3>) and the PEIE bit (INTCON<6>) must be set to enable the interrupts. In addition, the GIE bit must also be set. If any of these bits are cleared, the interrupt is not enabled, though the CMIF bit will still be set if an interrupt condition occurs. The user, in the Interrupt Service Routine, can clear the interrupt in the following manner: a) Any read or write of CMCON0. This will end the mismatch condition. b) Clear flag bit CMIF. A mismatch condition will continue to set flag bit CMIF. Reading CMCON0 will end the mismatch condition and allow flag bit CMIF to be cleared. Note: If a change in the CMCON0 register (COUT) should occur when a read operation is being executed (start of the Q2 cycle), then the CMIF (PIR1<3>) interrupt flag may not get set. |
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