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M41T81 Datasheet(PDF) 23 Page - STMicroelectronics |
M41T81 Datasheet(HTML) 23 Page - STMicroelectronics |
23 / 30 page M41T81 DC and AC parameters 23/30 Figure 15. Power down/up mode AC waveforms Table 9. DC characteristics Sym Parameter Test condition(1) 1. Valid for Ambient Operating Temperature: TA = –40 to 85°C; VCC = 2.0 to 5.5V (except where noted). Min Typ Max Unit ILI Input leakage current 0V ≤VIN ≤VCC ±1 µA ILO Output leakage current 0V ≤VOUT ≤VCC ±1 µA ICC1 Supply current Switch freq = 400kHz 400 µA ICC2 Supply current (standby) SCL,SDA = VCC – 0.3V 100 µA VIL Input low voltage –0.3 0.3VCC V VIH Input high voltage 0.7VCC VCC + 0.3 V VOL Output low voltage IOL = 3.0mA 0.4 V Output low voltage (open drain)(2) 2. For IRQ/FT/OUT/SQW pin (Open Drain) IOL = 10mA 0.4 V Pull-up supply voltage (open drain) IRQ/OUT/FT/SQW 5.5 V VBAT (3) 3. STMicroelectronics recommends the RAYOVAC BR1225 or BR1632 (or equivalent) as the battery supply. Battery supply voltage 2.5(4) 4. After switchover (VSO), VBAT (min) can be 2.0V for crystal with RS = 40KΩ. 33.5(5) 5. For rechargeable back-up, VBAT (max) may be considered VCC. V IBAT Battery supply current TA = 25°C, VCC = 0V oscillator on, VBAT = 3V 0.6 1 µA Table 10. Crystal electrical characteristics Sym Parameter(1) (2) 1. Externally supplied. STMicroelectronics recommends the KDS DT-38: 1TA/1TC252E127, Tuning Fork Type (thru-hole) or the DMX-26S: 1TJS125FH2A212, (SMD) quartz crystal for industrial temperature operations. KDS can be contacted at kouhou@kdsj.co.jp or http://www.kdsj.co.jp for further information on this crystal type. 2. Load capacitors are integrated within the M41T81. Circuit board layout considerations for the 32.768kHz crystal of minimum trace lengths and isolation from RF generating signals should be taken into account. Min Typ Max Units fO Resonant frequency 32.768 kHz RS Series resistance 60 k Ω CL Load capacitance 12.5 pF AI00596 VCC trec tPD VSO SDA SCL DON'T CARE |
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