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MB90867E Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Fujitsu Component Limited.

Part # MB90867E
Description  16-bit Proprietary Microcontroller CMOS
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Manufacturer  FUJITSU [Fujitsu Component Limited.]
Direct Link  http://edevice.fujitsu.com/fmd/en/index.html
Logo FUJITSU - Fujitsu Component Limited.

MB90867E Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - Fujitsu Component Limited.

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Copyright©2006 FUJITSU LIMITED All rights reserved
“Check Sheet” is seen at the following support page
URL : http://www.fujitsu.com/global/services/microelectronics/product/micom/support/index.html
“Check Sheet” lists the minimal requirement items to be checked to prevent problems beforehand in system
Be sure to refer to the “Check Sheet” for the latest cautions on development.
16-bit Proprietary Microcontroller
F2MC-16LX MB90860E Series
MB90867E(S), MB90F867E(S),
MB90860E-series with Flash ROM is especially designed for automotive and other industrial applications. With
the new 0.35
µm CMOS technology, Fujitsu now offers on-chip Flash ROM program memory up to 512 Kbytes.
The power supply (3 V) is supplied to the internal MCU core from an internal regulator circuit. This creates a
major advantage in terms of EMI and power consumption.
The internal PLL clock frequency multiplier provides an internal 42 ns instruction cycle time from an external
4 MHz clock.
The unit features an 8 channel Output Compare Unit and 8 channel Input Capture Unit with 2 separate 16-bit free
running timers. 4 UARTs constitute additional functionality for communication purposes.
Note : F2MC is the abbreviation of FUJITSU Flexible Microcontroller.

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