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CS5535-UDC Datasheet(PDF) 71 Page - National Semiconductor (TI) |
CS5535-UDC Datasheet(HTML) 71 Page - National Semiconductor (TI) |
71 / 555 page Revision 0.8 71 www.national.com Global Concepts and Features (Continued) 3.8.4 MSR Address 3: Error Control Each GeodeLink Device within the CS5535 can generate errors. Furthermore, these errors are controlled via the Standard GeodeLink Device Error MSR (GLD_MSR_ERROR) located at MSR Address 3 within each GLD. The register is organized just like GLD_MSR_SMI, that is, the lower 32 bits contain Enable (EN) bits, while the upper 32 bits contain Flag (FLAG) bits (see Table 3-8 on page 67). The EN and FLAG bits are organized in pairs of (n, n+32). For example: (0,32); (1,33); (2,34); etc. The Error MSR is used to control and report errors. The SMI concepts of direct asynchronous and synchro- nous carry over into similar error concepts. However, there is no concept of an in-direct error. At each GeodeLink Device, all of the Error FLAG bits are ORed together to form the Error signal. The Error is routed through the GLIU where it is ORed with all other device Errors to form the CS5535 Error signal. This signal is routed to the GLCP for debug purposes. Only the GLIU is capable of generating synchronous errors that utilize the Exception (EXCEP) bit of the associated response packet. All other CS5535 GeodeLink Devices only generate asynchronous errors. 3.8.5 MSR Address 4: Power Management All the power management MSRs (GLD_MSR_PM) con- form to the model illustrated in Table 3-10. The power and I/O mode functions are completely independent other than sharing the same MSR. The GLD_MSR_PM fields have the following definitions: • Power Mode for Clock Domains: — 00: Disable clock gating. Clocks are always on. — 01: Enable active hardware clock gating. Clock goes off whenever this module’s circuits are not busy. —10: Reserved. —11: Reserved. • I/O Mode (Applies only to GLPCI_SB and ATAC modules, see Table 3-11 and Table 3-12 for a list of controlled signals): — 00: No gating of I/O cells during a Sleep sequence (Default). — 01: During a power management Sleep sequence, force inputs to their non-asserted state when PM_IN_SLPCTL is enabled. — 10: During a power management Sleep sequence, force inputs to their non-asserted state when PM_IN_SLPCTL is enabled, and park (force) outputs low when PM_OUT_SLPCTL is enabled. — 11: Immediately and unconditionally, force inputs to their not asserted state, and park (force) outputs low. The PMC controls when the PCI/IDE inputs and outputs (listed in Table 3-11 and Table 3-12) are asserted and de- asserted. The PM_OUT_SLPCTL (PMS I/O Offset 0Ch) and PM_IN_SLPCTL (PMS I/O Offset 20h) registers pro- vide the global control of the PCI/IDE I/Os. The IO_MODE bits individually control PCI (GLPCI_SB GLD_MSR_PM Table 3-10. MSR Power Management Model 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 IO MODE H IO MODE G IO MODE F IO MODE E IO MODE D IO MODE C IO MODE B IO MODE A RSVD 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9876543210 Table 3-11. Sleep Driven PCI Signals Signal Ball No. Direction C/BE[3:0]# R6, T9, U11, U14 Pad driven to 0. Internal logic sees logic 1. DEVSEL# R11 Pad driven to 0. Internal logic sees logic 1. FRAME# U9 Pad driven to 0. Internal logic sees logic 1. TRDY# T10 Pad driven to 0. Internal logic sees logic 1. IRDY# R10 Pad driven to 0. Internal logic sees logic 1. STOP# T11 Pad driven to 0. Internal logic sees logic 1. PAR U10 Pad driven to 0. Internal logic sees logic 1. REQ# T1 Pad driven to 0. GNT# R1 Pad TRI-STATE. Internal logic sees logic 0. Table 3-11. Sleep Driven PCI Signals Signal Ball No. Direction |
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