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CS5535-UDC Datasheet(PDF) 58 Page - National Semiconductor (TI) |
CS5535-UDC Datasheet(HTML) 58 Page - National Semiconductor (TI) |
58 / 555 page www.national.com 58 Revision 0.8 Global Concepts and Features (Continued) 3.5.2 Clock Controls and Setup Each of the clock domains listed in Table 3-3 is subject to various GLCP controls and status registers except those with “Note 3”. These registers and a brief description of each is provided: • GLCP Clock Active (GLCP_CLKACTIVE), MSR 51700011h: A 1 indicates the corresponding clock is active. This is a read only register. • GLCP Clock Control (GLCP_CLKOFF), MSR 51700010h: A 1 indicates the corresponding clock is to be disabled immediately and unconditionally. Not normally used operationally. Debug only. • GLCP Clock Mask for Debug Clock Stop Action (GLCP_CLKDISABLE), MSR 51700012h: A 1 indicates the corresponding clock is to be disabled by debug logic via a debug event or trigger. Not normally used opera- tionally. Debug only. • GLCP Clock Active Mask for Suspend Acknowledge (GLCP_CLK4ACK), MSR 51700013h: A 1 indicates the corresponding clock is to be monitored during a power management Sleep operation. When all the clocks with associated 1s go inactive, the GLCP sends a Sleep Acknowledge to the Power Management Controller. This register is used during Sleep sequences and requires the CLK_DLY_EN bit in GLCP_GLB_PM (MSR 5170000Bh[1]) to be 0. • GLCP Clock Mask for Sleep Request (GLCP_PMCLKDISABLE), MSR 51700009h: A 1 indi- cates the corresponding clock is to be disabled uncondi- tionally during a power management Sleep operation. Clocks are disabled when the GLCP completes all of its Sleep Request operations and sends a Sleep Acknowl- edge to the Power Management Controller. All of the registers above have the same layout, where each bit is associated with a clock domain. The layout and recommended operating values for the registers is pro- vided in Table 5-73 "Clock Mapping / Operational Settings" on page 518. Additional Setup Operations • GLCP Debug Clock Control (GLCP_DBGCLKCTL), MSR 51700016h: Set all bits to 0. This turns off all clocks to debug features; not needed during normal operation. • GLCP Global Power Management Control (GLCP_GLB_PM), MSR 5170000Bh: Set all bits to 0. This disables the use of the fixed delay in GLCP_CLK_DIS_DELAY and enables the use of GLCP_CLK4ACK. • GLCP Clock Disable Delay Value (GLCP_CLK_DIS_DELAY), MSR 51700008h: Set all bits to 0. Since use of this register is disabled by setting all GLCP_DBGCLKCTL bits to 0, the actual value of this register is a “don’t care”; it is set here for completeness. If use of GLCP_CLK_DIS_DELAY is desired, set the CLK_DLY_EN bit in GLCP_GLB_PM (MSR 5170000Bh[1] = 1). This will disable the use of GLCP_CLK4ACK and shut off the clocks in GLCP_PMCLKDISABLE after the GLCP_CLK_DIS_DELAY expires. This delay is measured in PCI clock edges. 3.6 RESET CONSIDERATIONS The elements that effect “reset” within the CS5535 are illustrated in Figure 3-6 on page 59. The following points are significant: • Signals denoted in upper case (i.e., all capitals) are external pins. Signals denoted in lower case are internal signals. • There are separate resets for the Working power domain (RESET_WORK#) and the Standby power domain (RESET_STAND#). • All elements in the figure are within the Standby power domain and operate off the KHZ32_CLK. • The TAP Controller is in the Working power domain, but it may be reset separately from the other Working domain logic. • Any time the CS5535 is in the Standby state, the Working power domain is unconditionally and immedi- ately driven into reset. • Any faulted event or external reset input forces the CS5535 into the Standby state. • External reset (RESET_OUT#) is always asserted immediately with internal working domain reset but is de-asserted subject to a programmable delay. RESET_OUT# asserts without any clocks but requires the KHZ32_CLK for the delay and the PCI_CLK to de- assert. • IDE_RESET# is always asserted immediately with internal working domain reset and de-asserts when the ATAC comes out of reset, that is, within a few MHZ66_CLK edges of internal reset de-assert. • LVD monitors VCORE and only asserts power_good_working when VCORE is within normal operating range. • LVD monitors VCORE_VSB and VIO_VSB along with RESET_STAND#. The assertion of power_good_standy only occurs when the voltages are within normal oper- ating range and RESET_STAND# is high, that is, de- asserted. When power is applied to the CS5535 from a completely cold start, that is, no Standby or Working power, both RESET_STAND# and RESET_WORK# are applied. Alter- natively, one or both of the reset inputs may be tied to Standby I/O power (VIO_VSB), and the LVD circuit will gen- erate internal Power Good Working and internal Power Good Standby. Assuming the LVD circuit is enabled (LVD_EN# pin tied low), Power Good Standby will assert until proper Standby voltages have been achieved and RESET_STAND# has been de-asserted. |
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