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CS5535-UDC Datasheet(PDF) 55 Page - National Semiconductor (TI) |
CS5535-UDC Datasheet(HTML) 55 Page - National Semiconductor (TI) |
55 / 555 page Revision 0.8 55 www.national.com Global Concepts and Features (Continued) 3.3 TYPICAL CS5535 GEODELINK DEVICE A typical or “generic” CS5535 GeodeLink Device (GLD) is illustrated in Figure 3-4 along with internal and external connections. The GLD consists of the Native Block (NB), GeodeLink Adapter (GLA), MSRs, and Clock Control Units (CCU). Each of these is discussed in the following para- graphs. Before going into the blocks of the typical device, it should be noted that the following modules in CS5535 follow this model very closely: — AC97 Controller (ACC) — ATA-5 Controller (ATAC) — Diverse Device (DD) Specifically, they all use the GLA. The NB performs the “useful” work for the device. For example, in a serial port device, the transmit parallel to serial shift register is located in this block. The NB con- nects to the outside world, that is, external devices, via the I/O cells and pads. The NB contains registers that are manipulated by software to perform the “work”. These are operational registers that are typically manipulated by device drivers. The NBs are covered in detail in the corre- sponding GeodeLink Device register descriptions. The GLA sits between the GLIU and the Local bus. The Local bus is a traditional address/data bus supporting GLA to NB transactions (slave transactions) and NB to GLA transactions (master transactions). However, it is a single transaction bus in that any given slave or master transac- tion runs to completion before another transaction can start. This is compatible with the NBs listed above (i.e., ACC, ATAC, and DD), which are all single transaction devices. As suggested by Figure 3-4, the GLA contains no registers and is strictly speaking, just a bridge. The MSRs are conceptually separate from the NB and GLA and generally provide overall GLD configuration and con- trol. In most designs they are physically separated as shown. There are six standard MSRs that are detailed in Section 3.8 "Standard GeodeLink Device MSRs". All GLDs have these standard MSRs. GLDs may also incorporate additional MSRs as appropriate. On the upper right of the figure, the connections between the GLA and GLIU are illustrated. All of these signals were covered previously in Section 3.1 "GeodeLink Architecture Overview". The Clock Control Units (CCU) are a key component in the Active Hardware Clock Gating (AHCG) infrastructure. They provide the mechanism for turning off clocks to sections of logic that are Not Busy. Furthermore, they take an asyn- chronous global reset signal and synchronize it to the appli- cable clock domain. Figure 3-4. Typical CS5535 GeodeLink Device MSRs Native Block (NB) Native Block Registers GL Adapter (GLA) GLIU MSRs Reg In Data In Reg Out Data Out Diag ASMI ERR Other Device CCU CCU CCU Local Bus Interface Busy Signals to GLCP GL Device Side-band signals to other Native Blocks External Device Interface I/O Cells & Pads GL Clock Local Bus Clock Native Clock Global internal_reset Connections |
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