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DAC8802 Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # DAC8802
Description  Dual, Serial Input 14-Bit Multiplying Digital-to-Analog Converter
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Manufacturer  TI [Texas Instruments]
Direct Link  http://www.ti.com
Logo TI - Texas Instruments

DAC8802 Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - Texas Instruments

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Shift Register
To Input Register
ESD Protection Circuits
250 W
Figure 33 shows the equivalent logic interface for the key digital control pins for the DAC8802.
Figure 33. DAC8802 Equivalent Logic Interface
Two additional pins RS and MSB provide hardware control over the preset function and DAC register loading. If
these functions are not needed, the RS pin can be tied to logic high. The asynchronous input RS pin forces all
input and DAC registers to either the zero-code state (MSB = 0), or the half-scale state (MSB = 1).
When the VDD power supply is turned on, an internal reset strobe forces all the Input and DAC registers to the
zero-code state or half-scale, depending on the MSB pin voltage. The VDD power supply should have a smooth
positive ramp without drooping, in order to have consistent results, especially in the region of VDD = 1.5 V to
2.3 V. The DAC register data stays at the zero or half-scale setting until a valid serial register data load takes
All logic-input pins contain back-biased ESD protection zener diodes connected to ground (DGND) and VDD, as
shown in Figure 34.
Figure 34. Equivalent ESD Protection Circuits
The DAC8802 is a high-accuracy DAC that can have its performance compromised by grounding and printed
circuit board (PCB) lead trace resistance. The 14-bit DAC8802 with a 10-V full-scale range has an LSB value of
610 µV. The ladder and associated reference and analog ground currents for a given channel can be as high as
2 mA. With this 2 mA current level, a series wiring and connector resistance of only 305 m
Ω will cause 1 LSB of
voltage drop. The preferred PCB layout for the DAC8802 is to have all AGNDX pins connected directly to an
analog ground plane at the unit. The noninverting input of each channel I/V converter should also either connect
directly to the analog ground plane or have an individual sense trace back to the AGNDX pin connection. The
feedback resistor trace to the I/V converter should also be kept short and low resistance to prevent IR drops from
contributing to gain error. This attention to wiring ensures the optimal performance of the DAC8802.

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