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INA200 Datasheet(PDF) 4 Page - Burr-Brown (TI) |
INA200 Datasheet(HTML) 4 Page - Burr-Brown (TI) |
4 / 19 page INA200 INA201 INA202 SBOS374 − NOVEMBER 2006 www.ti.com 4 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: COMPARATOR Boldface limits apply over the specified temperature range: TA = −40°C to +125°C. At TA = +25°C, VS = +12V, VCM = +12V, VSENSE = 100mV, RL = 10kΩ to GND, and RPULL-UP = 5.1kΩ connected from CMPOUT to VS, unless otherwise noted. INA200, INA201, INA202 COMPARATOR PARAMETERS CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS OFFSET VOLTAGE Threshold TA = +25°C 590 600 610 mV Over Temperature 586 614 mV Hysteresis(1) TA = −40°C to +85°C −8 mV INPUT BIAS CURRENT(2) CMPIN Pin 0.005 10 nA vs Temperature 15 nA INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE CMPIN Pin 0V to VS − 1.5V V OUTPUT (OPEN-DRAIN) Large-Signal Differential Voltage Gain CMP VOUT 1V to 4V, RL ≥ 15kΩ Connected to 5V 200 V/mV High-Level Leakage Current(3)(4) ILKG VID = 0.4V, VOH = VS 0.0001 1 µA Low-Level Output Voltage(3) VOL VID = −0.6V, IOL = 2.35mA 220 300 mV RESPONSE TIME Response Time(5) RL to 5V, CL = 15pF, 100mV Input Step with 5mV Overdrive 1.3 µs RESET RESET Threshold(6) 1.1 V Logic Input Impedance 2 M Ω Minimum RESET Pulse Width 1.5 µs RESET Propagation Delay 3 µs (1) Hysteresis refers to the threshold (the threshold specification applies to a rising edge of a noninverting input) of a falling edge on the noninverting input of the comparator; refer to Figure 1. (2) Specified by design. (3) VID refers to the differential voltage at the comparator inputs. (4) Open-drain output can be pulled to the range of +2.7V to +18V, regardless of VS. (5) The comparator response time specified is the interval between the input step function and the instant when the output crosses 1.4V. (6) The RESET input has an internal 2MΩ (typical) pull-down. Leaving RESET open results in a LOW state, with transparent comparator operation. Hysteresis = V THRESHOLD − 8mV V THRESHOLD Input Voltage 0.6V 0.592V Figure 1. Typical Comparator Hysteresis |
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