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TNY274-280 Datasheet(PDF) 11 Page - Power Integrations, Inc. |
TNY274-280 Datasheet(HTML) 11 Page - Power Integrations, Inc. |
11 / 24 page Rev. N 12/21 11 TNY274-280 www.power.com the BP/M pin solder pad preventing the design from starting up. Designs that make use of the undervoltage lockout feature by connecting a resistor from the high-voltage rail to the EN/UV pin are not affected. If the contamination levels in the PC board assembly facility are unknown, the application is open frame or operates in a high pollution degree environment and the design does not make use of the undervoltage lockout feature, then an optional 390 k W resistor should be added from EN/UV pin to SOURCE pin to ensure that the parasitic leakage current into the EN/UV pin is well below 1 mA. Note that typical values for surface insulation resistance (SIR) where no-clean flux has been applied according to the suppliers’ guidelines are >>10 M W and do not cause this issue. Quick Design Checklist As with any power supply design, all TinySwitch-III designs should be verified on the bench to make sure that component specifications are not exceeded under worst case conditions. The following minimum set of tests is strongly recommended: 1. Maximum drain voltage – Verify that V DS does not exceed 650 V at highest input voltage and peak (overload) output power. The 50 V margin to the 700 V BV DSS specification gives margin for design variation. Figure 15. Recommended Circuit Board Layout for TinySwitch-III with Undervoltage Lock Out Resistor. TOP VIEW PI-4368-042506 Opto- coupler + - HV + - DC OUT Input Filter Capacitor Output Rectifier Safety Spacing T r a n s f o r m e r PRI SEC BIAS D Output Filter Capacitor Maximize hatched copper areas ( ) for optimum heatsinking BP/M EN/UV Y1- Capacitor S S S S PRI C BP BIAS 2. Maximum drain current – At maximum ambient temperature, maximum input voltage and peak output (overload) power, verify drain current waveforms for any signs of transformer saturation and excessive leading edge current spikes at start-up. Repeat under steady state conditions and verify that the leading edge current spike event is below I LIMIT(MIN) at the end of the t LEB(MIN). Under all conditions, the maximum drain current should be below the specified absolute maximum ratings. 3. Thermal Check – At specified maximum output power, minimum input voltage and maximum ambient temperature, verify that the temperature specifications are not exceeded for TinySwitch-III, transformer, output diode, and output capacitors. Enough thermal margin should be allowed for part-to-part variation of the R DS(ON) of TinySwitch-III as specified in the data sheet. Under low line, maximum power, a maximum TinySwitch-III SOURCE pin temperature of 110 °C is recommended to allow for these variations. Design Tools Up-to-date information on design tools is available at the Power Integrations website: www.power.com. |
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Similar Description - TNY274-280 |
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