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LIS302DL Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - STMicroelectronics |
LIS302DL Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - STMicroelectronics |
10 / 29 page Functionality LIS302DL 10/29 3 Functionality The LIS302DL is a ultracompatct, low-power, digital output 3-axis linear accelerometer packaged in a LGA package. The complete device includes a sensing element and an IC interface able to take the information from the sensing element and to provide a signal to the external world through an I2C/SPI serial interface. 3.1 Sensing element A proprietary process is used to create a surface micro-machined accelerometer. The technology allows to carry out suspended silicon structures which are attached to the substrate in a few points called anchors and are free to move in the direction of the sensed acceleration. To be compatible with the traditional packaging techniques a cap is placed on top of the sensing element to avoid blocking the moving parts during the moulding phase of the plastic encapsulation. When an acceleration is applied to the sensor the proof mass displaces from its nominal position, causing an imbalance in the capacitive half-bridge. This imbalance is measured using charge integration in response to a voltage pulse applied to the sense capacitor. At steady state the nominal value of the capacitors are few pF and when an acceleration is applied the maximum variation of the capacitive load is in fF range. 3.2 IC interface The complete measurement chain is composed by a low-noise capacitive amplifier which converts into an analog voltage the capacitive unbalancing of the MEMS sensor and by analog-to-digital converters. The acceleration data may be accessed through an I2C/SPI interface thus making the device particularly suitable for direct interfacing with a microcontroller. The LIS302DL features a Data-Ready signal (RDY) which indicates when a new set of measured acceleration data is available thus simplifying data synchronization in digital system employing the device itself. The LIS302DL may also be configured to generate an inertial Wake-Up and Free-Fall interrupt signal accordingly to a programmed acceleration event along the enabled axes. Both Free-Fall and Wake-Up can be available simultaneously on two different pins. 3.3 Factory calibration The IC interface is factory calibrated for sensitivity (So) and Zero-g level (Off). The trimming values are stored inside the device by a non volatile structure. Any time the device is turned on, the trimming parameters are downloaded into the registers to be employed during the normal operation. This allows the user to employ the device without further calibration. |
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Similar Description - LIS302DL |
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