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DA14530 Datasheet(PDF) 88 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
DA14530 Datasheet(HTML) 88 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
88 / 333 page DA14530 Low Power Bluetooth 5.1 SoC Final Datasheet Revision 3.4 21-Dec-2021 CFR0011-120-00 88 of 332 © 2021 Renesas Electronics ● Functionality based on the 16550 industry standard: ○ Programmable character properties, such as number of data bits per character (5-8) (optional) ○ Parity bit (with odd or even select) and number of stop bits (1, 1.5, or 2) ○ Line break generation and detection ○ Prioritized interrupt identification ● Programmable serial data baud rate 14.2 Architecture 14.2.1 UART (RS232) Serial Protocol Because the serial communication between the UART and the selected device is asynchronous, additional bits (start and stop) are added to the serial data to indicate the beginning and end. Utilizing these bits allows two devices to be synchronized. This structure of serial data accompanied by the start and stop bits is referred to as a character (Figure 36). Start ʃʃ ʃʃ Data bits 5 - 8 Parity ʃʃ Stop 1, 1.5, 2 Bit Time One Character Start Serial Data Figure 36: Serial Data Format An additional parity bit may be added to the serial character. This bit appears after the last data bit and before the stop bit(s) in the character structure to provide the UART with the ability to perform simple error checking on the received data. The UART Line Control Register (UART_LCR_REG) is used to control the serial character characteristics. The individual bits of the data word are sent after the start bit, starting with the least- significant bit (LSB). These are followed by the optional parity bit and then by the stop bit(s), which can be of 1, 1.5, or 2 bits. All the bits in the transmission (except the half stop bit when the 1.5 stop bits are used) are transmitted for exactly the same time duration. This is referred to as a Bit Period or Bit Time. One Bit Time equals to 16 baud clocks. To ensure stability on the line, the receiver samples the serial input data at approximately the mid-point of the Bit Time, once the start bit has been detected. As the exact number of baud clocks that each bit has been transmitted for is known, the mid-point for sampling is every 16 baud clocks after the mid-point sample of the start bit. Figure 37 shows the sampling points of the first couple of bits in a serial character. Start Data Bit 0 (LSB) 8 Serial Data In Data Bit 1 16 16 Figure 37: Receiver Serial Data Sampling Points As part of the 16550 standard, an optional baud clock reference output signal (baudout_n) is supplied to provide timing information to the receiving devices that require it. The baud rate of the UART is controlled by the serial clock (sclk or pclk in a single clock implementation) and the Divisor Latch Register (DLH and DLL) in the following equation: baudrate=(serialclockfrequency)/(16×divisor) (2) |
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