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DA14530 Datasheet(PDF) 81 Page - Renesas Technology Corp

Part # DA14530
Description  Low Power Bluetooth 5.1 SoC
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Manufacturer  RENESAS [Renesas Technology Corp]
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Low Power Bluetooth 5.1 SoC
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© 2021 Renesas Electronics
START and STOP Generation
When operating as an I2C master, putting data into the transmit FIFO causes the I2C Controller to
generate a START condition on the I2C bus. Allowing the transmit FIFO to empty causes the I2C
Controller to generate a STOP condition on the I2C bus.
When operating as a slave, the I2C Controller does not generate START or STOP conditions, as per
the protocol. However, if a read request is made to the I2C Controller, it holds the SCL line low until
read data has been supplied to it. This stalls the I2C bus until read data is provided to the slave I2C
Controller, or the I2C Controller slave is disabled by writing a 0 to I2C_ENABLE.
Combined Formats
The I2C Controller supports transactions in a read and write combined format in both 7-bit and 10-bit
addressing modes.
The I2C Controller does not support mixed address and mixed address format, that is, a 7-bit
address transaction followed by a 10-bit address transaction or vice versa.
To initiate combined format transfers, I2C_CON_REG[I2C_RESTART_EN] should be set to 1. With
this value set and the I2C Controller operating as a master, when an I2C transfer is completed, the
I2C Controller checks the transmit FIFO and executes the next transfer. If the direction of the new
transfer differs from the previous one, the combined format is used to issue the transfer. If the
transmit FIFO is empty when the current I2C transfer completes, a STOP is issued, and the next
transfer is issued after a START condition.
I2C Protocols
The I2C Controller has the following protocols:
● START and STOP Conditions
● Addressing Slave Protocol
● Transmitting and Receiving Protocols
● START BYTE Transfer Protocol
START and STOP Conditions
When the bus is idle, both SCL and SDA signals are pulled high through external pull-up resistors on
the bus. When a master wants to start a transmission on the bus, it issues a START condition. This
is defined to be a high-to-low transition of the SDA signal while SCL is 1. When the master wants to
terminate the transmission, it issues a STOP condition. This is defined to be a low-to-high transition
of the SDA line while SCL is 1. Figure 27 shows the timing of the START and STOP conditions.
When data is being transmitted on the bus, the SDA line must be stable when SCL is 1.
Figure 27: START and STOP Conditions
The signal transitions for the START/STOP conditions (Figure 27) reflect those observed at the output signals
of the master driving the I2C bus. Be careful with observing the SDA/SCL signals at the input signals of the
slave(s), because unequal line delays may result in an incorrect SDA/SCL timing relationship.

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