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DA14530 Datasheet(PDF) 74 Page - Renesas Technology Corp

Part # DA14530
Description  Low Power Bluetooth 5.1 SoC
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Manufacturer  RENESAS [Renesas Technology Corp]
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Low Power Bluetooth 5.1 SoC
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© 2021 Renesas Electronics
Table 38: DMA Served Peripherals
Input/Output Multiplexer
The multiplexing of peripheral requests is controlled by DMA_REQ_MUX_REG. Thus, if
DMA_REQ_MUX_REG[DMAxy_SEL] is set to a certain (non-reserved) value, the TX/RX request
from the corresponding peripheral will be routed to DMA channels y (TX request) and x (RX request),
respectively. Similarly, an acknowledging de-multiplexing mechanism is applied.
When two or more bit-fields (peripheral selectors) of DMA_REQ_MUX_REG have the same value,
the lesser significant selector will be given priority (see also the register's description).
DMA Channel Operation
A DMA channel is switched on with bit DMA_ON. This bit is automatically reset if the DMA channel's
transfer is finished. The DMA channels can either be triggered by SW or by a peripheral DMA
request. If DREQ_MODE is 0, a DMA channel is immediately triggered.
If DREQ_MODE is 1, a DMA channel can be triggered by a HW request coming from a selected
peripheral. All DMA channels support either level (default) or edge-sensitive requests via the bit-field
REQ_SENSE of DMAx_CTRL_REG (x = 0, 1, 2, 3). If this bit-field is set (recommended for Memory-
to-UART/UART2 and Memory-to-I2C transfers), the channel detects a positive edge on the request
signal of the selected peripheral in order to start up a new transfer cycle. The edge-sensitive
requests can be used globally, if desired, for all the peripherals interfacing with the DMA.
When DMA starts, data is transferred from address DMAx_A_START_REG to address
DMAx_B_START_REG for a length of DMAx_LEN_REG, which can be eight, 16, or 32 bits wide.
The address increment is realized with an internal 16-bit counter DMAx_IDX_REG, which is set to 0
when the DMA transfer starts and is compared with the DMAx_LEN_REG after each transfer. The
register value is multiplied by the values of the automatic increment of source address (AINC), the
automatic increment of destination address (BINC), and bus transfer width (BW) before it is added to
DMAx_A_START_REG and DMAx_B_START_REG. AINC or BINC must be 0 for register access.
If at the end of a DMA cycle, the DMA start condition is still true, the DMA continues. The DMA stops
if DREQ_MODE is low or if DMAx_LEN_REG is equal to the internal index register. This condition
also clears the DMA_ON bit if DREQ_MODE is 0 or if DREQ_MODE is set to 1 and CIRCULAR bit is
not set.
If a hand shaking is attached to the specific DMA channel at the end of a DMA cycle, the channel will
be blocked for as long as the peripheral is not ready for the next transaction.
If the bit CIRCULAR is set to 1, the DMA controller automatically resets the internal index registers
and continues from its starting address without intervention of the Arm Cortex-M0+. If the DMA
controller is started with DREQ_MODE = 0, the DMA will always stop, regardless of the state of

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