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DA14530 Datasheet(PDF) 69 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
DA14530 Datasheet(HTML) 69 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
69 / 333 page DA14530 Low Power Bluetooth 5.1 SoC Final Datasheet Revision 3.4 21-Dec-2021 CFR0011-120-00 69 of 332 © 2021 Renesas Electronics The RCX oscillator can be used to replace the 32.768 kHz crystal, since it has a precision of < 500 ppm, while its output frequency needs to be recalibrated over temperature. Using the RCX requires the following registers to be set: ● Set GP_DATA_REG = 0x20 after the system wakes up ● RCX calibration (the calibration is optional, please see section 10.3.1 for the RCX calibration) ● Go to sleep: set GP_DATA_REG = 0x40 after the sleep procedure is handled The procedure is also implemented as a part of the SDK. 10.3.1 Frequency Calibration The output frequency of the 32 kHz crystal oscillator and the three RC-oscillators can be measured relative to the 32/2 (16) MHz crystal oscillator using the on-chip reference counter. The measurement procedure is as follows: 1. REF_CNT_VAL = N (the larger number N is, the more accurate and longer the calibration will be) 2. CLK_REF_SEL_REG = 0x0000 (RC32K) or CLK_REF_SEL_REG = 0x0001 (RC32M) or CLK_REF_SEL_REG = 0x0002 (XTAL32K) or CLK_REF_SEL_REG = 0x0003 (RCX) 3. Start the calibration: CLK_REF_SEL_REG[REF_CAL_START] = 1 4. Wait until CLK_REF_SEL_REG[REF_CAL_START] = 0 5. Read CLK_REF_VAL_H_REG and CLK_REF_VAL_L_REG = M (32-bit values) 6. Frequency = (N/M) × 32/2 MHz If the RCX is used as a sleep clock, the frequency calibration should be implemented on each active time of a connection interval to guarantee a correct operation. |
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