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DA14530 Datasheet(PDF) 55 Page - Renesas Technology Corp

Part # DA14530
Description  Low Power Bluetooth 5.1 SoC
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Manufacturer  RENESAS [Renesas Technology Corp]
Direct Link  http://www.renesas.com
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Low Power Bluetooth 5.1 SoC
Revision 3.4
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© 2021 Renesas Electronics
● The design is configured to respond to exceptions (for example, interrupts) as soon as possible
(minimum 15 clock cycles)
● Non maskable interrupt (NMI) input for safety critical systems
● Easy to use and C friendly. There are only two modes, Thread mode and Handler mode. The
whole application, including exception handlers, can be written in C without any assemblers
● Built-in System Tick timer for OS support. A 24-bit timer with a dedicated exception type is
included in the architecture, which the OS can use as a tick timer or as a general timer in other
applications without an OS
● SuperVisor Call (SVC) instruction with a dedicated SVC exception and Pendable SuperVisor
service (PendSV) to support various operations in an embedded OS
● Architecturally defined sleep modes and instructions to enter sleep. The sleep features allow
power consumption to be reduced dramatically. Defining sleep modes as an architectural feature
makes porting of software easier because the sleep modes are entered by specific instructions
rather than implementation defined control registers
● Fault handling exception to catch various sources of errors in the system
● Support for 21 interrupts
● Little endian memory support
● Wake-up Interrupt Controller (WIC) to allow the processor to be powered down during sleep,
while interrupt sources are still allowed to wake up the system
● Halt mode debug allows the processor activity to stop completely so that register values can be
accessed and modified. No overhead in code size and stack memory size
● CoreSight technology allows memories and peripherals to be accessed from the debugger
without halting the processor
● Supports Serial Wire Debug (SWD) connections. The SWD protocol can handle the same debug
features as the JTAG, but it only requires two wires and is already supported by a number of
debug solutions from various tools vendors
● Four (4) hardware breakpoints and two (2) watch points
● Breakpoint instruction support for an unlimited number of software breakpoints
● Programmer’s model similar to the ARM7TDMI processor. Most existing Thumb code for the
ARM7TDMI processor can be reused. This also makes it easy for ARM7TDMI users, as there is
no need to learn a new instruction set.
This section lists all 21 interrupt lines, except the NMI interrupt, and describes their sources and
functionality. The overview of the interrupts is illustrated in Table 34.
Table 34: Interrupt List
IRQ Name
Wake up the system from Low Power (Extended Sleep) interrupt
from BLE.
BLE Interrupt. Sources:
● BLE_FINETGTIM_IRQn: Fine Target Timer interrupt generated
when Fine Target timer expires. The timer resolution is 625
base time reference

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