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DA14530 Datasheet(PDF) 53 Page - Renesas Technology Corp

Part # DA14530
Description  Low Power Bluetooth 5.1 SoC
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Manufacturer  RENESAS [Renesas Technology Corp]
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Low Power Bluetooth 5.1 SoC
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© 2021 Renesas Electronics
POR Considerations
When a POR source (the RST pad or a selected GPIO pin) is asserted, the POR timer starts to
count. When the POR source is released before the timer has expired, the POR timer will be reset to
0. If a POR source is asserted while there is already an asserted POR, and the first POR is released
after the second POR is asserted, and the total time of the two asserted sources is larger than or
equal to the POR_TIME, POR will occur.
It should also be noted that the POR timer triggered by the RST pad can only expire once. After the
POR timer has expired, the RST pad has to be released so the timer can be reloaded. There is no
such limitation when a GPIO is used as the POR source.
The POR_PIN_REG[PIN_SELECT] field cannot survive any reset (POR, HW reset, or SW reset),
therefore, users must take special care on setting up the GPIO POR source right after a reset. This
also applies to the POR_TIMER_REG[POR_TIME] field after a POR.
Please be aware of that, if a GPIO is used as a POR source, the dynamic current of the system
increases due to the dynamic current consumed by the RC32k oscillator. This increase is calculated
to be from 100 nA to 120 nA and it is also present during sleep time period. POR from the RST pad
does not add this dynamic current consumption.
To configure the functionality of triggering a POR by a GPIO pin, follow the steps below:
1. Select a GPIO to be set as the POR source by programming
2. Set up the input polarity of the GPIO that causes POR by programming
3. Configure the time for the POR to happen by programming POR_TIMER_REG[POR_TIME]. The
default time is around three seconds.
To set up the time when the RST pad produces a POR, just set the POR_TIMER_REG register.

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