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87C552 Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
87C552 Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
6 / 24 page Philips Semiconductors Product specification 87C552 80C51 8-bit microcontroller 8K/256 OTP, 8 channel 10 bit A/D, I2C, PWM, capture/compare, high I/O 1998 May 01 6 PIN DESCRIPTION (Continued) PIN NO. MNEMONIC PLCC QFP TYPE NAME AND FUNCTION ALE/PROG 48 49 O Address Latch Enable: Latches the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. It is activated every six oscillator periods. During an external data memory access, one ALE pulse is skipped. ALE can drive up to eight LS TTL inputs and handles CMOS inputs without an external pull-up. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during EPROM programming. EA/VPP 49 50 I External Access: When EA is held at TTL level high, the CPU executes out of the internal program ROM provided the program counter is less than 8192. When EA is held at TTL low level, the CPU executes out of external program memory. EA is not allowed to float. This pin also receives the 12.75V programming supply voltage (VPP) during EPROM programming. AVREF– 58 59 I Analog to Digital Conversion Reference Resistor: Low-end. AVREF+ 59 60 I Analog to Digital Conversion Reference Resistor: High-end. AVSS 60 61 I Analog Ground AVDD 61 63 I Analog Power Supply NOTE: 1. To avoid “latch-up” effect at power-on, the voltage on any pin at any time must not be higher or lower than VDD + 0.5V or VSS – 0.5V, respectively. OSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS XTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier. The pins can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in the logic symbol. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL1 should be driven while XTAL2 is left unconnected. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, because the input to the internal clock circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop. However, minimum and maximum high and low times specified in the data sheet must be observed. RESET A reset is accomplished by holding the RST pin high for at least two machine cycles (24 oscillator periods), while the oscillator is running. To insure a good power-on reset, the RST pin must be high long enough to allow the oscillator time to start up (normally a few milliseconds) plus two machine cycles. At power-on, the voltage on VDD and RST must come up at the same time for a proper start-up. IDLE MODE In the idle mode, the CPU puts itself to sleep while some of the on-chip peripherals stay active. The instruction to invoke the idle mode is the last instruction executed in the normal operating mode before the idle mode is activated. The CPU contents, the on-chip RAM, and all of the special function registers remain intact during this mode. The idle mode can be terminated either by any enabled interrupt (at which time the process is picked up at the interrupt service routine and continued), or by a hardware reset which starts the processor in the same manner as a power-on reset. POWER-DOWN MODE In the power-down mode, the oscillator is stopped and the instruction to invoke power-down is the last instruction executed. Only the contents of the on-chip RAM are preserved. A hardware reset is the only way to terminate the power-down mode. The control bits for the reduced power modes are in the special function register PCON. Table 1 shows the state of the I/O ports during low current operating modes. Table 1. External Pin Status During Idle and Power-Down Modes MODE PROGRAM MEMORY ALE PSEN PORT 0 PORT 1 PORT 2 PORT 3 PORT 4 PWM0/ PWM1 Idle Internal 1 1 Data Data Data Data Data High Idle External 1 1 Float Data Address Data Data High Power-down Internal 0 0 Data Data Data Data Data High Power-down External 0 0 Float Data Data Data Data High |
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