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83C752 Datasheet(PDF) 8 Page - NXP Semiconductors

Part # 83C752
Description  80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 2K/64 OTP/ROM, 5 channel 8 bit A/D, I2C, PWM, low pin count
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Manufacturer  PHILIPS [NXP Semiconductors]
Direct Link  http://www.nxp.com
Logo PHILIPS - NXP Semiconductors

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Philips Semiconductors
Product specification
80C51 8-bit microcontroller family
2K/64 OTP/ROM, 5 channel 8 bit A/D, I2C, PWM, low pin count
1998 May 01
Interrupt Enable Register
Position Symbol
Global interrupt disable when EA = 0
A/D conversion complete
Timer I
I2C serial port
PWM counter overflow
External interrupt 1
Timer 0 overflow
External interrupt 0
Serial Communications
The 8XC752 contains an I2C serial communications port instead of
the 80C51 UART. The I2C serial port is a single bit hardware
interface with all of the hardware necessary to support multimaster
and slave operations. Also included are receiver digital filters and
timer (timer I) for communication watch-dog purposes. The I2C
serial port is controlled through four special function registers; I2C
control, I2C data, I2C status, and I2C configuration.
The I2C bus uses two wires (SDA and SCL) to transfer information
between devices connected to the bus. The main technical features
of the bus are:
Bidirectional data transfer between masters and slaves
Serial addressing of slaves
Acknowledgment after each transferred byte
Multimaster bus
Arbitration between simultaneously transmitting master without
corruption of serial data on bus
With 82B715, communication distance is extended to beyond 100
feet (30M)
A large family of I2C compatible ICs is available. See the I2C section
for more details on the bus and available ICs.
The 83C752 I2C subsystem includes hardware to simplify the
software required to drive the I2C bus. This circuitry is the same as
that on the 83C751. (See the 83C751 section for a detailed
discussion of this subsystem).
Pulse Width Modulation Output (P0.4)
The PWM outputs pulses of programmable length and interval. The
repetition frequency is defined by an 8-bit prescaler which generates
the clock for the counter. The prescaler register is PWMP. The
prescaler and counter are not associated with any other timer. The
8-bit counter counts modulo 255, that is from 0 to 254 inclusive. The
value of the 8-bit counter is compared to the contents of a compare
register, PWM. When the counter value matches the contents of this
register, the output of the PWM is set high. When the counter reaches
zero, the output of the PWM is set low. The pulse width ratio (duty
cycle) is defined by the contents of the compare register and is in the
range of 0 to 1 programmed in increments of 1/255. The PWM output
can be set to be continuously high by loading the compare register
with 0 and the output can be set to be continuously low by loading the
compare register with 255. The PWM output is enabled by a bit in a
special function register, PWENA. When enabled, the pin output is
driven with a fully active pull-up. That is, when the output is high, a
strong pull-up is continuously applied. when disabled, the pin
functions as a normal bidirectional I/O pin, however, the counter
remains active.
The PWM function is disabled during RESET and remains disabled
after reset is removed until re-enabled by software. The PWM output
is high during power down and idle. The counter is disabled during
idle. The repetition frequency of the PWM is given by:
fPWM = fOSC / 2 (1 + PWMP) 255
The low/high ratio of the PWM signal is PWM / (255 – PWM) for
PWM not equal to 255. For PWM = 255, the output is always low.
The repetition frequency range is 92Hz to 23.5kHz for an oscillator
frequency of 12MHz.
An interrupt will be asserted upon PWM counter overflow if the
interrupt is not masked off.
The PWM output is an alternative function of P0.4. In order to use
this port as a bidirectional I/O port, the PWM output must be
disabled by clearing the enable/disable bit in PWENA. In this case,
the PWM subsystem can be used as an interval timer by enabling
the PWM interrupt.

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