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80C554 Datasheet(PDF) 48 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
80C554 Datasheet(HTML) 48 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
48 / 76 page Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 80C554/83C554/87C554 80C51 8-bit microcontroller – 6 clock operation 16K/512 OTP/ROM/ROMless, 7 channel 10 bit A/D, I2C, PWM, capture/compare, high I/O, 64L LQFP 2000 Nov 10 48 Table 10. Miscellaneous States STATUS STATUS OF THE APPLICATION SOFTWARE RESPONSE STATUS CODE (S1STA) STATUS OF THE I2C BUS AND SIO1 HARDWARE TO/FROM S1DAT TO S1CON NEXT ACTION TAKEN BY SIO1 HARDWARE (S1STA) SIO1 HARDWARE TO/FROM S1DAT STA STO SI AA F8H No relevant state information available; SI = 0 No S1DAT action No S1CON action Wait or proceed current transfer 00H Bus error during MST or selected slave modes, due to an illegal START or STOP condition. State 00H can also occur when interference causes SIO1 to enter an undefined state. No S1DAT action 0 1 0 X Only the internal hardware is affected in the MST or addressed SLV modes. In all cases, the bus is released and SIO1 is switched to the not addressed SLV mode. STO is reset. Slave Transmitter Mode: In the slave transmitter mode, a number of data bytes are transmitted to a master receiver (see Figure 43). Data transfer is initialized as in the slave receiver mode. When S1ADR and S1CON have been initialized, SIO1 waits until it is addressed by its own slave address followed by the data direction bit which must be “1” (R) for SIO1 to operate in the slave transmitter mode. After its own slave address and the R bit have been received, the serial interrupt flag (SI) is set and a valid status code can be read from S1STA. This status code is used to vector to an interrupt service routine, and the appropriate action to be taken for each of these status codes is detailed in Table 9. The slave transmitter mode may also be entered if arbitration is lost while SIO1 is in the master mode (see state B0H). If the AA bit is reset during a transfer, SIO1 will transmit the last byte of the transfer and enter state C0H or C8H. SIO1 is switched to the not addressed slave mode and will ignore the master receiver if it continues the transfer. Thus the master receiver receives all 1s as serial data. While AA is reset, SIO1 does not respond to its own slave address or a general call address. However, the I2C bus is still monitored, and address recognition may be resumed at any time by setting AA. This means that the AA bit may be used to temporarily isolate SIO1 from the I2C bus. Miscellaneous States: There are two S1STA codes that do not correspond to a defined SIO1 hardware state (see Table 10). These are discussed below. S1STA = F8H: This status code indicates that no relevant information is available because the serial interrupt flag, SI, is not yet set. This occurs between other states and when SIO1 is not involved in a serial transfer. S1STA = 00H: This status code indicates that a bus error has occurred during an SIO1 serial transfer. A bus error is caused when a START or STOP condition occurs at an illegal position in the format frame. Examples of such illegal positions are during the serial transfer of an address byte, a data byte, or an acknowledge bit. A bus error may also be caused when external interference disturbs the internal SIO1 signals. When a bus error occurs, SI is set. To recover from a bus error, the STO flag must be set and SI must be cleared. This causes SIO1 to enter the “not addressed” slave mode (a defined state) and to clear the STO flag (no other bits in S1CON are affected). The SDA and SCL lines are released (a STOP condition is not transmitted). Some Special Cases: The SIO1 hardware has facilities to handle the following special cases that may occur during a serial transfer: Simultaneous Repeated START Conditions from Two Masters A repeated START condition may be generated in the master transmitter or master receiver modes. A special case occurs if another master simultaneously generates a repeated START condition (see Figure 44). Until this occurs, arbitration is not lost by either master since they were both transmitting the same data. If the SIO1 hardware detects a repeated START condition on the I2C bus before generating a repeated START condition itself, it will release the bus, and no interrupt request is generated. If another master frees the bus by generating a STOP condition, SIO1 will transmit a normal START condition (state 08H), and a retry of the total serial data transfer can commence. DATA TRANSFER AFTER LOSS OF ARBITRATION Arbitration may be lost in the master transmitter and master receiver modes (see Figure 36). Loss of arbitration is indicated by the following states in S1STA; 38H, 68H, 78H, and B0H (see Figures 40 and 41). If the STA flag in S1CON is set by the routines which service these states, then, if the bus is free again, a START condition (state 08H) is transmitted without intervention by the CPU, and a retry of the total serial transfer can commence. FORCED ACCESS TO THE I2C BUS In some applications, it may be possible for an uncontrolled source to cause a bus hang-up. In such situations, the problem may be caused by interference, temporary interruption of the bus or a temporary short-circuit between SDA and SCL. If an uncontrolled source generates a superfluous START or masks a STOP condition, then the I2C bus stays busy indefinitely. If the STA flag is set and bus access is not obtained within a reasonable amount of time, then a forced access to the I2C bus is possible. This is achieved by setting the STO flag while the STA flag is still set. No STOP condition is transmitted. The SIO1 hardware behaves as if a STOP condition was received and is able to transmit a START condition. The STO flag is cleared by hardware (see Figure 45). |
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