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M5M51008BFP Datasheet(PDF) 2 Page - Mitsubishi Electric Semiconductor |
M5M51008BFP Datasheet(HTML) 2 Page - Mitsubishi Electric Semiconductor |
2 / 7 page MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M51008BFP,VP,RV,KV,KR -70VL,-10VL,-12VL,-15VL, -70VLL,-10VLL,-12VLL,-15VLL 1048576-BIT(131072-WORD BY 8-BIT)CMOS STATIC RAM 1997-1/21 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC FUNCTION BLOCK DIAGRAM CLOCK GENERATOR 131072 WORDS X 8 BITS (1024 ROWS X128 COLUMNS X 8BLOCKS) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 31 28 27 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 7 4 3 12 10 9 23 20 18 17 31 11 25 26 19 1 2 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 5 30 6 32 8 29 22 30 24 32 16 24 A4 A5 A6 A7 A12 A14 A16 A15 A13 A8 A0 A2 A3 A10 A1 A11 A9 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 DQ8 W S1 S2 OE VCC GND (0V) * Pin numbers inside dotted line show those of TSOP * * The operation mode of the M5M51008B series are determined by a combination of the device control inputs S1,S2,W and OE. Each mode is summarized in the function table. A write cycle is executed whenever the low level W overlaps with the low level S1 and the high level S2. The address must be set up before the write cycle and must be stable during the entire cycle. The data is latched into a cell on the trailing edge of W,S1 or S2,whichever occurs first,requiring the set-up and hold time relative to these edge to be maintained. The output enable input OE directly controls the output stage. Setting the OE at a high level, the output stage is in a high-impedance state, and the data bus contention problem in the write cycle is eliminated. A read cycle is executed by setting W at a high level and OE at a low level while S1 and S2 are in an active state(S1=L,S2=H). When setting S1 at a high level or S2 at a low level, the chip are in a non-selectable mode in which both reading and writing are disabled. In this mode, the output stage is in a high- impedance state, allowing OR-tie with other chips and memory expansion by S1 and S2. The power supply current is reduced as low as the stand-by current which is specified as ICC3 or ICC4, and the memory data can be held at +2V power supply, enabling battery back-up operation during power failure or power-down operation in the non-selected mode. S1 S2 W OE Mode DQ ICC L L H H H H L H Non selection Write Read High-impedance Din Dout Active Stand-by Non selection High-impedance High-impedance Active Active Stand-by DATA INPUTS/ OUTPUTS WRITE CONTROL INPUT CHIP SELECT INPUTS OUTPUT ENABLE INPUT ADDRESS INPUTS FUNCTION TABLE 2 L H L X H X X X X L X X |
Similar Part No. - M5M51008BFP |
Similar Description - M5M51008BFP |
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