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TPA3118D2DAP Datasheet(PDF) 17 Page - Texas Instruments |
TPA3118D2DAP Datasheet(HTML) 17 Page - Texas Instruments |
17 / 45 page 17 TPA3116D2, TPA3118D2, TPA3130D2 www.ti.com SLOS708G – APRIL 2012 – REVISED DECEMBER 2017 Product Folder Links: TPA3116D2 TPA3118D2 TPA3130D2 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2012–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7.3.8 Device Protection System The TPA31xxD2 family contains a complete set of protection circuits carefully designed to make system design efficient as well as to protect the device against any kind of permanent failures due to short circuits, overload, over temperature, and under-voltage. The FAULTZ pin will signal if an error is detected according to Table 4: Table 4. Fault Reporting FAULT TRIGGERING CONDITION (typical value) FAULTZ ACTION LATCHED/SELF- CLEARING Over Current Output short or short to PVCC or GND Low Output high impedance Latched Over Temperature Tj > 150°C Low Output high impedance Latched Too High DC Offset DC output voltage Low Output high impedance Latched Under Voltage on PVCC PVCC < 4.5V – Output high impedance Self-clearing Over Voltage on PVCC PVCC > 27V – Output high impedance Self-clearing 7.3.9 DC Detect Protection The TPA31xxD2 family has circuitry which will protect the speakers from DC current which might occur due to defective capacitors on the input or shorts on the printed circuit board at the inputs. A DC detect fault will be reported on the FAULT pin as a low state. The DC Detect fault will also cause the amplifier to shutdown by changing the state of the outputs to Hi-Z. If automatic recovery from the short circuit protection latch is desired, connect the FAULTZ pin directly to the SDZ pin. This allows the FAULTZ pin function to automatically drive the SDZ pin low which clears the DC Detect protection latch. A DC Detect Fault is issued when the output differential duty-cycle of either channel exceeds 60% for more than 420 msec at the same polarity. Table x below shows some examples of the typical DC Detect Protection threshold for several values of the supply voltage. This feature protects the speaker from large DC currents or AC currents less than 2Hz. To avoid nuisance faults due to the DC detect circuit, hold the SD pin low at power- up until the signals at the inputs are stable. Also, take care to match the impedance seen at the positive and negative inputs to avoid nuisance DC detect faults. Table 5 lists the minimum output offset voltages required to trigger the DC detect. The outputs must remain at or above the voltage listed in the table for more than 420 ms to trigger the DC detect. Table 5. DC Detect Threshold PVCC (V) VOS - OUTPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE (V) 4.5 0.96 6 1.3 12 2.6 18 3.9 7.3.10 Short-Circuit Protection and Automatic Recovery Feature The TPA31xxD2 family has protection from over current conditions caused by a short circuit on the output stage. The short circuit protection fault is reported on the FAULTZ pin as a low state. The amplifier outputs are switched to a high impedance state when the short circuit protection latch is engaged. The latch can be cleared by cycling the SDZ pin through the low state. If automatic recovery from the short circuit protection latch is desired, connect the FAULTZ pin directly to the SDZ pin. This allows the FAULTZ pin function to automatically drive the SDZ pin low which clears the short- circuit protection latch. In systems where a possibility of a permanent short from the output to PVDD or to a high voltage battery like a car battery can occur, pull the MUTE pin low with the FAULTZ signal with a inverting transistor to ensure a high- Z restart, like shown in the figure below: |
Similar Part No. - TPA3118D2DAP |
Similar Description - TPA3118D2DAP |
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