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IDT72V3624 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
IDT72V3624 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
10 / 34 page 10 COMMERCIALTEMPERATURERANGE IDT72V3624/72V3634/72V3644 3.3V CMOS SyncBiFIFOTM WITH BUS-MATCHING 256 x 36 x 2, 512 x 36 x 2, 1,024 x 36 x 2 SIGNAL DESCRIPTION MASTER RESET ( MRS1, MRS2) Afterpowerup,aMasterReset operationmustbeperformedbyproviding a LOW pulse to MRS1andMRS2simultaneously. Afterwards,eachofthetwo FIFOmemoriesoftheIDT72V3624/72V3634/72V3644undergoesacomplete reset by taking its associated Master Reset ( MRS1, MRS2) input LOW for at least four Port A Clock (CLKA) and four Port B Clock (CLKB) LOW-to-HIGH transitions. TheMasterResetinputscanswitchasynchronouslytotheclocks. A Master Reset initializes the associated write and read pointers to the first location of the memory and forces the Full/Input Ready flag ( FFA/IRA, FFB/ IRB) LOW, the Empty/Output Ready flag ( EFA/ORA, EFB/ORB) LOW, the Almost-Emptyflag( AEA,AEB)LOWandforcestheAlmost-Fullflag(AFA,AFB) HIGH. AMasterResetalsoforcestheassociatedMailboxFlag( MBF1,MFB2) of the parallel mailbox register HIGH. After a Master Reset, the FIFO's Full/ InputReadyflagissetHIGHaftertwowriteclockcycles. ThentheFIFOisready to be written to. A LOW-to-HIGH transition on the FIFO1 Master Reset ( MRS1) input latches the values of the Big-Endian (BE) input for determining the order by which bytes are transferred through Port B. It also latches the values of the Flag Select (FS0, FS1) and Serial Programming Mode ( SPM) inputs for choosingtheAlmost-FullandAlmost-Emptyoffsetprogrammingmethod. ALOW-to-HIGHtransitionontheFIFO2MasterReset( MRS2)clearsthe Flag Offset Registers of FIFO2 (X2, Y2). A LOW-to-HIGH transition on the FIFO2 Master Reset ( MRS2) together with the FIFO1 Master Reset (MRS1) input latches the value of the Big-Endian (BE) input for Port B and also latches thevaluesoftheFlagSelect(FS0,FS1)andSerialProgrammingMode( SPM) inputs for choosing the Almost-Full and Almost-Empty offset programming method. (For details see Table 1, Flag Programming, and the Programming the Almost-Empty and Almost-Full Flags section). The relevant FIFO Master Reset timing diagram can be found in Figure 3. PARTIAL RESET ( PRS1, PRS2) Each of the two FIFO memories of these devices undergoes a limited reset bytakingitsassociatedPartialReset( PRS1,PRS2)inputLOWforatleastfour Port A Clock (CLKA) and four Port B Clock (CLKB) LOW-to-HIGH transitions. The Partial Reset inputs can switch asynchronously to the clocks. A Partial Reset initializes the internal read and write pointers and forces the Full/Input Ready flag ( FFA/IRA, FFB/IRB) LOW, the Empty/Output Ready flag (EFA/ ORA, EFB/ORB) LOW, the Almost-Empty flag (AEA, AEB) LOW, and the Almost-Fullflag( AFA,AFB)HIGH.APartialResetalsoforcestheMailboxFlag ( MBF1,MBF2)oftheparallelmailboxregisterHIGH.AfteraPartialReset,the FIFO’s Full/Input Ready flag is set HIGH after two write clock cycles. Then the FIFO is ready to be written to. Whatever flag offsets, programming method (parallel or serial), and timing mode(FWFTorIDTStandardmode)arecurrentlyselectedatthetimeaPartial Reset is initiated, those settings will be remain unchanged upon completion of the reset operation. A Partial Reset may be useful in the case where reprogramming a FIFO following a Master Reset would be inconvenient. See Figure 4 for the Partial Reset timing diagram. BIG-ENDIAN/FIRST WORD FALL THROUGH (BE/ FWFT) — ENDIAN SELECTION Thisisadualpurposepin.AtthetimeofMasterReset,theBEselectfunction is active, permitting a choice of Big or Little-Endian byte arrangement for data writtentoorreadfromPortB.Thisselectiondeterminestheorderbywhichbytes (or words) of data are transferred through this port. For the following illustrations, assume that a byte (or word) bus size has been selected for Port B. (Note that when Port B is configured for a long word size, the Big-Endian function has no application and the BE input is a “don’t care”1.) A HIGH on the BE/ FWFT input when the Master Reset (MRS1, MRS2) inputs go from LOW to HIGH will select a Big-Endian arrangement. When data is moving in the direction from Port A to Port B, the most significant byte (word) ofthelongwordwrittentoPortAwillbereadfromPortBfirst;theleastsignificant byte (word) of the long word written to Port A will be read from Port B last. When data is moving in the direction from Port B to Port A, the byte (word) written to Port B first will be read from Port A as the most significant byte (word) of the long word; the byte (word) written to Port B last will be read from Port A as the least significant byte (word) of the long word. A LOW on the BE/ FWFT input when the Master Reset (MRS1, MRS2) inputsgofromLOWtoHIGHwillselectaLittle-Endianarrangement.Whendata is moving in the direction from Port A to Port B, the least significant byte (word) ofthelongwordwrittentoPortAwillbereadfromPortBfirst;themostsignificant byte (word) of the long word written to Port A will be read from Port B last. When data is moving in the direction from Port B to Port A, the byte (word) written to Port B first will be read from Port A as the least significant byte (word) of the long word; the byte (word) written to Port B last will be read from Port A as the most significant byte (word) of the long word. Refer to Figure 2 for an illustration of the BE function. See Figure 3 (Master Reset) for the Endian select timing diagram. — TIMING MODE SELECTION After Master Reset, the FWFT select function is active, permitting a choice between two possible timing modes: IDT Standard mode or First Word Fall Through (FWFT) mode. Once the Master Reset ( MRS1,MRS2)inputisHIGH, aHIGHontheBE/ FWFTinputduringthenextLOW-to-HIGHtransitionofCLKA (for FIFO1) and CLKB (for FIFO2) will select IDT Standard mode. This mode uses the Empty Flag function ( EFA, EFB) to indicate whether or not there are any words present in the FIFO memory. It uses the Full Flag function ( FFA, FFB)toindicatewhetherornottheFIFOmemoryhasanyfreespaceforwriting. In IDT Standard mode, every word read from the FIFO, including the first, must be requested using a formal read operation. Once the Master Reset ( MRS1, MRS2) input is HIGH, a LOW on the BE/ FWFTinputduringthenextLOW-to-HIGHtransitionofCLKA(forFIFO1)and CLKB (for FIFO2) will select FWFT mode. This mode uses the Output Ready function (ORA, ORB) to indicate whether or not there is valid data at the data outputs (A0-A35 or B0-B35). It also uses the Input Ready function (IRA, IRB) to indicate whether or not the FIFO memory has any free space for writing. In the FWFT mode, the first word written to an empty FIFO goes directly to data outputs, no read request necessary. Subsequent words must be accessed by performing a formal read operation. Following Master Reset, the level applied to the BE/ FWFTinputtochoose the desired timing mode must remain static throughout FIFO operation. Refer to Figure 3 (Master Reset) for a First Word Fall Through select timing diagram. PROGRAMMING THE ALMOST-EMPTY AND ALMOST-FULL FLAGS Four registers in the IDT72V3624/72V3634/72V3644 are used to hold the offset values for the Almost-Empty and Almost-Full flags. The Port B Almost- Emptyflag( AEB)OffsetregisterislabeledX1andthePortAAlmost-Emptyflag ( AEA) Offset register is labeled X2. The Port A Almost-Full flag (AFA) Offset register is labeled Y1 and the Port B Almost-Full flag ( AFB) Offset register is NOTE: 1. Either a HIGH or LOW can be applied to a "don't care" input with no change to the logical operation of the FIFO. Nevertheless, inputs that are temporarily "don't care" (along with unused inputs) must not be left open, rather they must be either HIGH or LOW. |
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