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IDT72V3624 Datasheet(PDF) 5 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
IDT72V3624 Datasheet(HTML) 5 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
5 / 34 page 5 COMMERCIALTEMPERATURERANGE IDT72V3624/72V3634/72V3644 3.3V CMOS SyncBiFIFOTM WITH BUS-MATCHING 256 x 36 x 2, 512 x 36 x 2, 1,024 x 36 x 2 Symbol Name I/O Description FS1/ SEN FlagOffsetSelect1/ I FS1/ SEN and FS0/SD are dual-purpose inputs used for flag offset register programming. During Master Serial Enable, Reset, FS1/ SENandFS0/SD,togetherwithSPM,selecttheflagoffsetprogrammingmethod.Threeoffset register programming methods are available: automatically load one of three preset values (8, 16, or 64), FS0/SD Flag Offset Select 0/ I parallel load from Port A, and serial load. Serial Data When serial load is selected for flag offset register programming, FS1/ SEN is used as an enable synchronous to the LOW-to-HIGH transition of CLKA. When FS1/ SEN is LOW, a rising edge on CLKA load the bit present on FS0/SD into the X and Y registers. The number of bit writes required to program the offset registers is 32 for the 72V3624, 36 for the 72V3634, and 40 for the 72V3644. The first bit write stores the Y-register (Y1) MSB and the last bit write stores the X-register (X2) LSB. MBA Port A Mailbox I A HIGH level on MBA chooses a mailbox register for a Port A read or write operation. When the A0-A35 Select outputs are active, a HIGH level on MBA selects data from the mail2 register for output and a LOW level selects FIFO2 output register data for output. MBB Port B Mailbox I A HIGH level on MBB chooses a mailbox register for a Port B read or write operation. When the B0-B35 Select outputs are active, a HIGH level on MBB selects data from the mail1 register for output and a LOW level selects FIFO1 output register data for output. MBF1 Mail1 Register O MBF1 is set LOW by a LOW-to-HIGH transition of CLKA that writes data to the mail1 register. Writes to Flag the mail1 register are inhibited while MBF1 is LOW. MBF1 is set HIGH by a LOW-to-HIGH transition of CLKB when a Port B read is selected and MBB is HIGH. MBF1 is set HIGH following either a Master or Partial Reset of FIFO1. MBF2 Mail2 Register O MBF2 is set LOW by a LOW-to-HIGH transition of CLKB that writes data to the mail2 register. Writes to the Flag mail2 register are inhibited while MBF2 is LOW. MBF2 is set HIGH by a LOW-to-HIGH transition of CLKA when a Port A read is selected and MBA is HIGH. MBF2 is set HIGH following either a Master or Partial Reset of FIFO2. MRS1 FIFO1 Master I A LOW on this pin initializes the FIFO1 read and write pointers to the first location of memory and sets the Reset Port B output register to all zeroes. A LOW-to-HIGH transition on MRS1selectstheprogrammingmethod(serial or parallel) and one of three programmable flag default offsets for FIFO1 and FIFO2. It also configures Port Bforbussizeandendianarrangement. FourLOW-to-HIGHtransitionsofCLKA andfourLOW-to-HIGHtransitions of CLKB must occur while MRS1 is LOW. MRS2 FIFO2 Master I A LOW on this pin initializes the FIFO2 read and write pointers to the first location of memory and sets the Reset PortAoutputregistertoallzeroes. ALOW-to-HIGHtransitionon MRS2,toggledsimultaneouslywithMRS1,selects theprogrammingmethod(serialorparallel)andoneoftheprogrammableflagdefaultoffsetsforFIFO2. FourLOW- to-HIGH transitions of CLKA and four LOW-to-HIGH transitions of CLKB must occur while MRS2 is LOW. PRS1 FIFO1 Partial I A LOW on this pin initializes the FIFO1 read and write pointers to the first location of memory and sets the Reset Port B output register to all zeroes. During Partial Reset, the currently selected bus size, endian arrangement, programming method (serial or parallel), and programmable flag settings are all retained. PRS2 FIFO2 Partial I A LOW on this pin initializes the FIFO2 read and write pointers to the first location of memory and sets the Port Reset A output register to all zeroes. During Partial Reset, the currently selected bus size, endian arrangement, programming method (serial or parallel), and programmable flag settings are all retained. SIZE Bus Size Select I A HIGH on this pin when BM is HIGH selects byte bus (9-bit) size on Port B. A LOW on this pin when BM is HIGH selects word (18-bit) bus size. SIZE works with BM andBEtoselectthebussizeandendianarrangementforPort B. The level of SIZE must be static throughout device operation. SPM SerialProgramming I ALOWonthispinselectsserialprogrammingofpartialflagoffsets. AHIGHonthispinselectsparallelprogramming Mode or default offsets (8, 16, or 64). W/ RA Port-AWrite/ I A HIGH selects a write operation and a LOW selects a read operation on Port A for a LOW-to-HIGH transition of Read Select CLKA. The A0-A35 outputs are in the HIGH impedance state when W/ RA is HIGH. W/RB Port-BWrite/ I A LOW selects a write operation and a HIGH selects a read operation on Port B for a LOW-to-HIGH transition of Read Select CLKB. The B0-B35 outputs are in the HIGH impedance state when W/RB is LOW. PIN DESCRIPTIONS (CONTINUED) |
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