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HSDL-3601 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - Agilent(Hewlett-Packard) |
HSDL-3601 Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - Agilent(Hewlett-Packard) |
7 / 31 page 7 Electrical & Optical Specifications Specifications hold over the Recommended Operating Conditions unless otherwise noted. Unspecified test conditions can be anywhere in their operating range. All typical values are at 25 °C and 5 V unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions Receiver Receiver Logic Low[9] VOL 0 - 0.4 V IOL = 1.0 mA, Data Output EI ≥ 3.6 µW/cm2, Voltage θ1/2 ≤ 15° Logic High VOH Vcc – 0.2 - Vcc V IOH = -20 µA, EI ≤ 0.3 µW/cm2, θ1/2 ≤ 15° Viewing 2 θ1/2 30 ° Angle Logic High Receiver Input EIH 0.0036 500 mW/cm2 For in-band signals ≤ Irradiance 115.2 kb/s[8] 0.0090 500 mW/cm2 0.576 Mb/s ≤ in-band signals ≤ 4 Mb/s[8] Logic Low Receiver Input EIL 0.3 µW/cm2 For in-band signals[8] Irradiance Receiver Peak Sensitivity λP 880 nm Wavelength Receiver SIR Pulse Width tpw (SIR) 1 4.0 µs θ1/2 ≤ 15°[10], CL =10 pF Receiver MIR Pulse Width tpw (MIR) 100 500 ns θ1/2 ≤ 15°[11], CL =10 pF Receiver FIR Pulse Width tpw (FIR) 85 165 ns θ1/2 ≤ 15°[12], CL =10 pF, VCC = 4.75 - 5.25 V Receiver ASK Pulse Width tpw (ASK) 1 µs 500 kHz/50% duty cycle carrier ASK[13] Receiver Latency Time for FIR tL (FIR) 40 50 µs Receiver Latency Time for SIR tL (SIR) 20 50 µs Receiver Rise/Fall Times tr/f (RXD) 25 ns Receiver Wake Up Time tW 100 µs [14] Notes : 8. An in-band optical signal is a pulse/sequence where the peak wavelength, λp, is defined as 850 ≤ λp ≤ 900 nm, and the pulse characteristics are compliant with the IrDA Serial Infrared Physical Layer Link Specification. 9. Logic Low is a pulsed response. The condition is maintained for duration dependent on pattern and strength of the incident intensity. 10. For in-band signals ≤ 115.2 kb/s where 3.6 µW/cm2 ≤ EI ≤ 500 mW/cm2. 11. For in-band signals at 1.15 Mb/s where 9.0 µW/cm2 ≤ EI ≤ 500 mW/cm2. 12. For in-band signals of 125 ns pulse width, 4 Mb/s, 4 PPM at recommended 400 mA drive current. 13. Pulse width specified is the pulse width of the second 500 kHz carrier pulse received in a data bit. The first 500 kHz carrier pulse may exceed 2 µs in width, which will not affect correct demodulation of the data stream. An ASK or DASK system using the HSDL-3601 has been shown to correctly receive all data bits for 9 µW/cm2 ≤ EI ≤ 500 mW/cm2 incoming signal strength. ASK or DASK should use the FIR channel enabled. 14. Wake up time is the time between the transition from a shutdown state to an active state and the time when the receiver is active and ready to receive infrared signals. |
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