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UPD703100 Datasheet(PDF) 30 Page - NEC |
UPD703100 Datasheet(HTML) 30 Page - NEC |
30 / 185 page CHAPTER 3 DATA TYPES User’s Manual U12197EJ6V0UM 30 3.2.2 Unsigned integer While an integer is data that can take either a positive or a negative value, an unsigned integer is an integer that is not negative. Like an integer, an unsigned integer is also expressed as 2’s complement and is 8, 16, or 32 bits long. Regardless of its length, bit 0 of an unsigned integer is the least significant bit, and the higher the bit number, the more significant the bit. However, no sign bit is used. Data Length Range Byte 8 bits 0 to 255 Halfword 16 bits 0 to 65535 Word 32 bits 0 to 4294967295 3.2.3 Bit The V850 Series can handle 1-bit data that can take a value of 0 (cleared) or 1 (set). Bit manipulation can only be performed on 1-byte data in the memory space in the following four ways. • Set • Clear • Invert • Test 3.3 Data Alignment With the V850E Series, data to be allocated in memory must be aligned at an appropriate boundary when misalign access is disabled. Therefore, word data must be aligned at a word boundary (the lower 2 bits of the address are 0), and halfword data must be aligned at a halfword boundary (the lower 1 bit of the address is 0). If data is not aligned at a boundary and misalign access disabled, the data is accessed with the lowest bit(s) of the address (lower 2 bits in the case of word data and lowest 1 bit in the case of halfword data) automatically masked. This will cause loss of data and truncation of the least significant bytes. When misalign access is enabled, it is possible to place any data at any address, irrespective of the data format when data is word or halfword and is not aligned at a boundary, however one or more bus cycles is generated, which lowers the bus efficiency. |
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