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V3020TP8B Datasheet(PDF) 13 Page - EM Microelectronic - MARIN SA

Part # V3020TP8B
Description  Ultra Low Power 1-Bit 32 kHz RTC
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Manufacturer  EMMICRO [EM Microelectronic - MARIN SA]
Direct Link  http://www.emmicroelectronic.com
Logo EMMICRO - EM Microelectronic - MARIN SA

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Copyright © 2005, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA
Reading the Current Time and Date
Send copy_clock_to_RAM
addr. F hex
Read time and data status bits,
addr. 1
Is the seconds status bit set,
addr. 1, bit 0
Read seconds, addr. 2
Is the minutes status bit set,
addr. 1, bit 1
Read minutes, addr. 3
Similar for hours, day of month, week
day, month, year and week number
Current time and date
Fig. 11
Clock and Calendar
The Time and date addresses in the RAM (see Table 6)
provide access to the seconds, minutes, hours, day of
month, month, year, week day, and week number. These
parameters have the ranges indicated on Table 6 and are
in BCD format. If a parameter is found to be out of range,
it will be cleared on its being next incremented.
V3020 incorporates leap year correction and week
number calculation. The week number changes only at
the incrementation of the day number from 7 to 1. If week
52 day 7 falls on the 25
th, 26th or 27th of December, then
the week number will change to 0, otherwise it will be
week 1.
Week days are numbered from 1 to 7 with
Monday as 1.
Reading of the current time and date must be preceded
by a Copy_clock_to_RAM command. The time and date
status bits will indicate which time and date addresses
changed since the last time the command was used (see
Copy_clock_to_RAM command is held unchanged in the
RAM, except when power (VDD) has failed totally. To
change the current time and date in the clock, the desired
time an date must first be written to the RAM, the time set
lock bit cleared, and then a Copy_RAM_to_clock
command sent (see Fig. 12). The time set lock bit can be
used to prevent unauthorized setting of the clock.
Setting the Current Time and Date
Write seconds, minutes, hours, day
of month, week day, month, year and
week number to the RAM
Clear the time set lock bit,
addr. 0, bit 4
Send copy_RAM_to_clock command,
addr. E hex
Set the time set lock bit, addr. 0, bit 4
Fig. 12
Frequency Measurement
Setting bit 0 at address 0 will put a pulsed current source
(25 µA) onto the I/O pin, when the device is not chip
selected (ie. CS input high). The current source will be
pulsed on/off at 256 Hz. The period for ± 0 ppm time
keeping is 3.90625 ms. To measure the frequency signal
on pin I/O, the data bus must be high impedance. The
best way to ensure this is to hold the microprocessor and
peripherals in reset mode while measuring the frequency.
The clarity of the signal measured at pin I/O will depend
on both the probe input impedance (typically 1 M
Ω) and
the magnitude of the leakage current from other devices
driving the line connected to pin I/O.
If the signal
measured is unclear, put a 200 k
Ω resistor from pin I/O to
VSS. It should be noted that the magnitude of the current
source (25 µA) is not sufficient to drive the data bus line in
case of any other device driving the line, but it is sufficient
to take the line to a high logic level when the data bus is in
high impedance.
Use a crystal of nominal CL = 8.2 pF as specified in the
section "Operating Conditions".
The MX series from
Microcrystal is recommended. The accuracy of the time
keeping is dependent upon the frequency tolerance and
the load capacitance of the crystal.
11.57 ppm
corresponds to one second a day.
From the various test features added to the V3020 some
may be activated by the user. Table 7a shows the test
mode b its. Table 8 shows the 3 available test modes and
how they can be activated. Test mode 0 is activated by
setting bit 2, address 0, and causes all time keeping to be
accelerated by 32. Test mode 1 is activated by setting bit
3, address 0, and causes all the time and date locations,
address 2 to address9, to be incremented in parallel at 1
Hz with no carry over (independent of each other). The
third test mode combines the previous two resulting in
parallel incrementing at 32 Hz.

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