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V3020SO8B Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - EM Microelectronic - MARIN SA |
V3020SO8B Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - EM Microelectronic - MARIN SA |
14 / 17 page R V3020 Copyright © 2005, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 14 www.emmicroelectronic.com Test Modes Addr. 0 bit 3 Addr. 0 bit 2 Function 0 0 Normal operation 0 1 All time keeping accelerated by 32 1 0 Parallel increment of all time data at 1 Hz with no carry over 1 1 Parallel increment of all time data at 32 Hz with no carry over Table 8 An external signal generator can be used to drive the divider chain of the V3020. Fig. 13a and 13b show how to connect the signal generator. The speed can be increased by increasing the signal generator frequency to a maximum of 128 kHz. An external signal generator and test modes can be combined. To leave test both test bits (address 0, bits 2 and 3) must be cleared by software. Test corrupts the current time and date and so the time and date should be reloaded after a test session. Signal Generator Connection Fig. 13a Note : The peak value of the signal provided by the signal generator should not exceed 1.5 V on XO. Fig. 13b Note : The peak value of the signal provided by the signal generator should not exceed 1.5 V on XO. Crystal Layout In order to ensure proper oscillator operation we recommend the following standard practices: - Keep traces as short as possible - Use a guard ring around the crystal Fig. 14 shows the recommended layout. Oscillator Layout Fig. 14 Access Considerations The section "Communication Cycles" describes the serial data sequences necessary to complete a communication cycle. In common with all serial peripherals, the serial data sequences are not re-entrant, thus a high priority interrupt, or another software task, should not attempt to access the V3020 if it is already in the middle of a cycle. A semaphore (software flag) on access would allow the V3020 to be shared with other software tasks or interrupt routines. There is no time limit on the duration of a communication cycle and thus interrupt routines (which do not use the V3020) can be fully executed in mid cycles without any consequences for the V3020. |
Similar Part No. - V3020SO8B |
Similar Description - V3020SO8B |
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