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R1191N144D Datasheet(PDF) 45 Page - Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc.

Part # R1191N144D
Description  300mA LDO REGULATOR with the Reverse Current Protection
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Manufacturer  NISSHINBO [Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc.]
Direct Link  https://www.nisshinbo-microdevices.co.jp/en/
Logo NISSHINBO - Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc.

R1191N144D Datasheet(HTML) 45 Page - Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc.

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1. The products and the product specifications described in this document are subject to change or discontinuation of production without
notice for reasons such as improvement. Therefore, before deciding to use the products, please refer to our sales representatives for the
latest information thereon.
2. The materials in this document may not be copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written consent of us.
3. This product and any technical information relating thereto are subject to complementary export controls (so-called KNOW controls)
under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law, and related politics ministerial ordinance of the law. (Note that the complementary
export controls are inapplicable to any application-specific products, except rockets and pilotless aircraft, that are insusceptible to design
or program changes.) Accordingly, when exporting or carrying abroad this product, follow the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade
Control Law and its related regulations with respect to the complementary export controls.
4. The technical information described in this document shows typical characteristics and example application circuits for the products. The
release of such information is not to be construed as a warranty of or a grant of license under our or any third party's intellectual property
rights or any other rights.
5. The products listed in this document are intended and designed for use as general electronic components in standard applications (office
equipment, telecommunication equipment, measuring instruments, consumer electronic products, amusement equipment etc.). Those
customers intending to use a product in an application requiring extreme quality and reliability, for example, in a highly specific application
where the failure or misoperation of the product could result in human injury or death should first contact us.
Aerospace Equipment
Equipment Used in the Deep Sea
Power Generator Control Equipment (nuclear, steam, hydraulic, etc.)
Life Maintenance Medical Equipment
Fire Alarms / Intruder Detectors
Vehicle Control Equipment (automotive, airplane, railroad, ship, etc.)
Various Safety Devices
Traffic control system
Combustion equipment
In case your company desires to use this product for any applications other than general electronic equipment mentioned above, make
sure to contact our company in advance. Note that the important requirements mentioned in this section are not applicable to cases
where operation requirements such as application conditions are confirmed by our company in writing after consultation with your
6. We are making our continuous effort to improve the quality and reliability of our products, but semiconductor products are likely to fail
with certain probability. In order to prevent any injury to persons or damages to property resulting from such failure, customers should be
careful enough to incorporate safety measures in their design, such as redundancy feature, fire containment feature and fail-safe feature.
We do not assume any liability or responsibility for any loss or damage arising from misuse or inappropriate use of the products.
7. The products have been designed and tested to function within controlled environmental conditions. Do not use products under conditions
that deviate from methods or applications specified in this datasheet. Failure to employ the products in the proper applications can lead
to deterioration, destruction or failure of the products. We shall not be responsible for any bodily injury, fires or accident, property damage
or any consequential damages resulting from misuse or misapplication of the products.
8. Quality Warranty
8-1. Quality Warranty Period
In the case of a product purchased through an authorized distributor or directly from us, the warranty period for this product shall be
one (1) year after delivery to your company. For defective products that occurred during this period, we will take the quality warranty
measures described in section 8-2. However, if there is an agreement on the warranty period in the basic transaction agreement,
quality assurance agreement, delivery specifications, etc., it shall be followed.
8-2. Quality Warranty Remedies
When it has been proved defective due to manufacturing factors as a result of defect analysis by us, we will either deliver a substitute
for the defective product or refund the purchase price of the defective product.
Note that such delivery or refund is sole and exclusive remedies to your company for the defective product.
8-3. Remedies after Quality Warranty Period
With respect to any defect of this product found after the quality warranty period, the defect will be analyzed by us. On the basis of
the defect analysis results, the scope and amounts of damage shall be determined by mutual agreement of both parties. Then we
will deal with upper limit in Section 8-2. This provision is not intended to limit any legal rights of your company.
9. Anti-radiation design is not implemented in the products described in this document.
10. The X-ray exposure can influence functions and characteristics of the products. Confirm the product functions and characteristics in the
evaluation stage.
11. WLCSP products should be used in light shielded environments. The light exposure can influence functions and characteristics of the
products under operation or storage.
12. Warning for handling Gallium and Arsenic (GaAs) products (Applying to GaAs MMIC, Photo Reflector). These products use Gallium (Ga)
and Arsenic (As) which are specified as poisonous chemicals by law. For the prevention of a hazard, do not burn, destroy, or process
chemically to make them as gas or power. When the product is disposed of, please follow the related regulation and do not mix this with
general industrial waste or household waste.
13. Please contact our sales representatives should you have any questions or comments concerning the products or the technical
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