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EM78P813BQ Datasheet(PDF) 51 Page - ELAN Microelectronics Corp |
EM78P813BQ Datasheet(HTML) 51 Page - ELAN Microelectronics Corp |
51 / 65 page EM78P813 8-bit OTP Micro-controller __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * This specification is subject to change without notice. 51 2004/8/19 (V1.6) address R register page0 R register page1 R register page2 R register page3 IOC register page0 IOC register page1 1 -- 00000000 00000000 xxxxxxxx 2 -- -- -- -- 3 -- -- -- -- 4 00xxxxxx xxxxxxxx 10001000 xxx00000 5 x0000000 00000000 00000000 xxxx0000 11110000 xxxxxxxx 6 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 00000000 00000000 11111111 xxxxxxxx 7 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 00000000 00000000 11111111 xxxxxxxx 8 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx x0000000 xxxxxxxx 11111111 00000000 9 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 00000xxx xxxx0000 11111111 00000000 A 00000xx0 xxxxxxxx 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 B xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 11111111 00000000 11111111 00xx0000 C xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 11111111 00000000 11111111 00000000 D xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx x0011111 xxxxxxxx 11111111 00000000 E 00000000 xxxxxxxx 10000000 xxxxxxxx 00000000 0x000000 F 00000000 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 00000000 -- VII.6 wake-up The controller provided sleep mode for power saving. SLEEP mode , RA(7)=0 + "SLEP" instruction . The controller will turn off all the CPU and crystal. Other circuit with power control like key tone control or PLL control (which has enable register), user has to turn it off by software. Wake-up from SLEEP mode : (1) WDT time out (2) external interrupt (3) /RESET pull low All these cases will reset controller , and run the program at address zero. The status just like the power on reset. Be sure to enable circuit at case (1) or (2). VII.7 Interrupt RE and RF is the interrupt status register which records the interrupt request in flag bits. IOCE and IOCF is the interrupt mask register. TCC timer, Counter1 and Counter2 are internal interrupt source. P70 ~ P77(INT0 ~ INT7) are external interrupt input which interrupt sources are come from the external. If the interrupts are happened by these interrupt sources, then RE or RF register will generate '1' flag to corresponding register if you enable IOCE or IOCF register. Global interrupt is enabled by ENI instruction and is disabled by DISI instruction. When one of the interrupts (when enabled) generated, will cause the next instruction to be fetched from address 008H. Once in the interrupt service routine the source of the interrupt can be determined by polling the flag bits in the RE and RF register. The interrupt flag bit must be cleared in software before leaving the interrupt service routine and enabling interrupts to avoid recursive interrupts. |
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