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EM78P813BQ Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - ELAN Microelectronics Corp |
EM78P813BQ Datasheet(HTML) 3 Page - ELAN Microelectronics Corp |
3 / 65 page EM78P813 8-bit OTP Micro-controller __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * This specification is subject to change without notice. 3 2004/8/19 (V1.6) I. General Description The EM78P813 is an 8-bit CID (Call Identification) RISC type microprocessor with low power, high speed CMOS technology. There are 64Kx13 bits and 256Kx8 bits Electrical One Time Programmable Read Only Memory (OTP-ROM) within it. It provides security bits and some One time programmable Option bits to protect the OTP memory code from any external access as well as to meet user’s options. Integrated onto a single chip are on chip watchdog (WDT), programmable real time clock/counter, external/internal interrupt, power down mode, LCD driver, FSK decoder, Call waiting decoder, Energy Detector (DED) , DTMF receiver, Programming Tone generator, build-in KEY TONE clock generation, Comparator and tri-state I/O. The EM78P813 provides a single chip solution to design a CID of calling message display. II. Feature CPU •Operating voltage : 2.2V~5.5V at main CLK less then 3.58MHz. Main CLK(Hz) Under 3.58M 5.37M 10.74M Operating Voltage(min) 2.2 2.5 3 •64K×13 Program ROM •256K×8 data ROM •16K×8 data RAM •128×8 common register •Up to 56 bi-directional tri-state I/O ports (32 shared with LCD Segment pins) •IO with internal Pull high, wake-up and interrupt functions •STACK: 24 level stack for subroutine nesting •TCC: 8-bit real time clock/counter (TCC) with 8-bit prescaler •COUNTER1: 8 or 16 bit counter with 8-bit prescaler can be an interrupt source •COUNTER2: 8-bit counter with 8-bit prescaler can be an interrupt source •Watch Dog : Programmable free running on chip watchdog timer •CPU modes: Mode CPU status Main clock 32.768kHz clock status Sleep mode Turn off Turn off Turn off Green mode Turn on Turn off Turn on Normal mode Turn on Turn on Turn on •4 step Normal mode CLK : 1.79 , 3.58 , 5.37 , 10.74 MHz generated by internal PLL. •13 interrupt source , 8 external , 5 internal •Key Scan : Port key scan function up to 16x4 keys •Sub-Clock: 32.768KHz crystal. •Key tone output :4KHz, 2KHz ,1KHz (shared with IO) •Comparator: 3-channel comparators: internal (16 level) or external reference voltage. (shared with IO) Serial transmitter/receiver interface •Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI): Interrupt flag available for the read buffer full, Programmable baud rates of communication, Three-wire synchronous communication. (shared with IO) Current D/A •Operation Voltage : 2.5V∼5.5V •10-bit resolution and 3-bit output level control •Current DA output can drive speaker through a transistor for sound playing. (shared with IO) Programmable Tone Generators •Operation Voltage 2.2V∼5.5V •Programmable Tone1 and Tone2 generators •Independent single tone generation for Tone1 and Tone2 |
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