22 / 28 page
gosub FLoadX
gosub FDump
gosub FSwap
' x<>y
so x=0.0, y=0.5
Debug "Start...",CR
for i=1 to 1000
gosub IOWrite
gosub FAdd
' x=x+y
gosub FDump
Debug "End",cr
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I load a particular number to the X or
Y registers?
A: There are two methods. First, you can use the
fpconvert program to determine the 32-bit number
that corresponds to the number you want. Then
pass it to the FLoadX (or FLoadY) subroutine.
You can also use the LOADX or LOADY
command directly. The other way you can load a
number is via the FLOAT or FLoadInt commands.
Q: Can I run the Pak I from a different clock
A: Yes. Any crystal or ceramic resonator up to
10Mhz may work. Remember, the ceramic
resonator has capacitors that you will have to
supply if you use a crystal or a resonator without
capacitors. You'll use two capacitors (one on each
RES pin). You'll have to experimentally determine