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GT4124 Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Gennum Corporation |
GT4124 Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - Gennum Corporation |
1 / 5 page PIN DESIGNATION 1+V S positvive supply voltage 2C HOLD clamp holding capacitor 3 COMP output freq'y comp'n R-C 4C OS1 control input offset adjust 5C OS2 control input offset adjust 6 S1 span adjust 7V REF 0.5 volt reference input 8 S2 span adjust 9V CONT control signal input 10 GND ground 11 STROBE strobe input 12 R EXT current setting resistor 13 +IN A A video + signal input 14 -IN A A video - signal input 15 CLAMP SIG clamp signal 16 CLAMP REF clamp reference 17 +IN B B video + signal input 18 -IN B B video - signal input 19 OUTPUT video output 20 -V S negative supply voltage Document No. 520 - 59 - 2 DATA SHEET GENNUM CORPORATION P.O. Box 489, Stn A, Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7R 3Y3 tel. (905) 632-2996 fax: (905) 632-5946 Japan Branch: A-302 Miyamae Village, 2-10-42 Miyamae, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168, Japan tel. (03) 3334-7700 fax: (03) 3247-8839 FEATURES • broadcast quality video multiplier with a very accurate back porch clamp, (less than 2mV DC offset) • 30 MHz at -1.0dB video and control channel bandwidth • one external frequency compensation adjustment • ultra low differential gain and differential phase, (typically 0.01% and 0.01 deg.) • adjustable DC offset and span on the control input • adjustable clamp reference level • active low STROBE input • 20 pin PDIP and SOIC packaging. APPLICATIONS • Production switcher video mixers • Linear Keyers GT4124 Video Multiplier with Strobed DC Restore Device Function: VOUT = AOL [VA (0.5+VK) + VB(0.5 - VK)] where AOL ~ 2000, VK=VCONT - VREF, AK ≈ 0.85 REXT RSPAN FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM REXT VREF CONTROL VOLTAGE (VCONT) + - - VS GND +IN A - IN A - IN B VCA=0.5 + VK +IN B +VS BIAS AMP 3 COMP. OUTPUT VNOM AMP 1 AMP 2 + - + - XA VCB=0.5 - VK XB + + AMP 4 - + AK COS1 COS2 S1 S2 0.5V Σ2 Σ3 + - + - + + VK - VK Σ4 + + STROBE CHOLD CLAMP REF. CLAMP SIG. Σ1 CLAMP VNOM + + VIDEO INPUT A VIDEO INPUT B 0.5V ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Package Type Temperature Range GT4124-CDF 20 pin PDIP 0 to 70˚ GT4124-CKF 20 pin SOIC 0 to 70˚ Revision Date: February 1994 A B DESCRIPTION The GT4124 multiplier is a monolithic dual-channel video multiplier for use in the professional broadcast field. It incorporates a very fast and accurate strobed clamp to insure black level accuracy. Featuring two wideband video inputs and a single control input, the GT4124 achieves high quality video mixing of the two synchronized video input signals to a single output by implementing the transfer function: V OUT = V IN • V C + V IN (1 - V C ) where V C is the control input voltage, which may be varied over the control range, and VIN A and VIN B are the video input signals. The GT4124 operates with power supply voltages of ± 9 to ±12 volts. At a nominal supply of ± 10 volts, it draws an average of 20 mA of current. The GT4124 is available in 20 pin PDIP and 20 pin SOIC packages. An application note entitled "Using the GT4122 and GT4124 Video Mixer ICs" (Document 520-44) is available from Gennum Corporation. |
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