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GS1528-CKA Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - Gennum Corporation

Part # GS1528-CKA
Description  GS1528 HD-LINX-TM II Multi-Rate SDI Dual Slew-Rate Cable Driver
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Manufacturer  GENNUM [Gennum Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.gennum.com
Logo GENNUM - Gennum Corporation

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GS1528 Data Sheet
16632 - 5
June 2005
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Figure 3-3: Static Protection Diodes
3.4 Output Return Loss Measurement
To perform a practical return loss measurement, it is necessary to force the
GS1528 output to a DC high or low condition. The actual measured return loss will
be based on the outputs being static at VCC or VCC-1.6V. Under normal operating
conditions the outputs of the GS1528 swing between VCC-0.4V and VCC-1.2V, so
the measured value of return loss will not represent the actual operating return
A simple method of calculating the values of actual operating return loss is to
interpolate the two return loss measurements. In this way, the values of return loss
are estimated at VCC-0.4V and VCC-1.2V based on the measurements at VCC and
The two values of return loss (high and low) will typically differ by several decibels.
If the measured return loss is RH for logic high and RL for logic low, then the two
values can be interpolated as follows:
RIH = RH- (RH-RL)/4 and
RIL = RL+(RH-RL)/4
where RIH is the interpolated logic high value and RIL is the interpolated logic low
For example, if RH = -18dB and RL = -14dB, then the interpolated values are RIH =
-17dB and RIL = -15dB.

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