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TLE9185QXV33 Datasheet(PDF) 106 Page - Infineon Technologies AG |
TLE9185QXV33 Datasheet(HTML) 106 Page - Infineon Technologies AG |
106 / 192 page TLE9185QXV33 BLDC Driver Supervision Functions Datasheet 106 Rev.1.0 2021-01-21 • The parking braking mode is activated and the device is in Sleep Mode or Stop Mode. • VS overvoltage brake is activated and (VS > VS Overvoltage braking or VSINT > VSINT Overvoltage braking) in all device modes if OV_BRK_EN is set. Under these conditions, the drain-source voltage of the low-sides are monitored and the applied drain-source overvoltage thresholds are according to VDSTH_BRK. The applied blank time, which starts at the beginning of the brake activation, is: • tBLK_BRAKE1 if TBLK_BRK = 0 • tBLK_BRAKE2 if TBLK_BRK = 1 During the blank time, a drain-source overvoltage of the low-sides is masked. The applied filter time is tFVDS_BRAKE. If a drain-source overvoltage is detected during braking , then all low-side MOSFETs are turned off (latched) within tOFF_BRAKE. SLAM_LSx_DIS (BRAKE, SLAM, PARK_BRK_EN, OV_BRK_EN are unchanged. The corresponding status bit LSxDSOV_BRK is set in DSOV. The low-sides can be reactivated only if all LSxDSOV_BRK bits (DSOV) are cleared (even in slam mode with the respective LSx disabled by the SLAM_LSx_DIS bit). If any of the status bits LSxDSOV_BRK is set, then the charge pump stays off (CPEN=1 command is accepted but the charge pump stays disabled until all LSxDSOV_BRK are cleared). 10.9.3 VS or VSINT Overvoltage braking The VS and VSINT overvoltage braking is activated if the OV_BRK_EN bit in BRAKE register is set regardless of the device mode. If VS, respectively VSINT, exceeds VOVBR,cfgx,r (x = 0 to 7), then all low-sides MOSFETs are turned-on within tON_BRAKE. The status bits VSOVBRAKE_ST, respectively VSINTOVBRAKE_ST, is set and latched (see DSOV register). If VS and VSINT decrease below VOVBR,cfgx,r - VHYS,cfgx (x = 0 to 7), then all low-sides MOSFETs are turned-off within tOFF_BRAKE after the filter time tOV_BR_FILT. If (VSHx - VSL) exceeds the configured threshold, then all low-sides MOSFETs are turned-off within tOFF_BRAKE after the filter time tFVDS_BRAKE. The threshold is: • VVDSMONTH0_BRAKE if VDSTH_BRK = 0 • VVDSMONTH1_BRAKE if VDSTH_BRK = 1 10.10 Current sense amplifier The current sense amplifier (CSA) allows current measurements with external shunt resistor in low-side configuration. The CSA is supplied by the charge pump (CP). Therefore, if the CP is off, then the CSA is deactivated. 10.10.1 Unidirectional and bidirectional operation The current sense amplifier (CSA) can work either as unidirectional or bi-directional operation. Refer to CSA register. Unidirectional operation CSD = 0 |
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