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TLE9185QXV33 Datasheet(PDF) 98 Page - Infineon Technologies AG

Part # TLE9185QXV33
Description  BLDC Driver
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Manufacturer  INFINEON [Infineon Technologies AG]
Direct Link  http://www.infineon.com
Logo INFINEON - Infineon Technologies AG

TLE9185QXV33 Datasheet(HTML) 98 Page - Infineon Technologies AG

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BLDC Driver
Supervision Functions
VS Under- and Overvoltage
VS Undervoltage
The VS under-voltage monitoring is always active in Init-, Restart Mode and Normal Mode. If VS drops below
VS,UV for more than tVSUV_FILT, then the device does the following measures:
1. If HBxMODE = 01b or 10b , then the corresponding MOSFETs are actively turned off with their static
discharge current during their respective tHBxCCP Active.
2. Then the charge pump is turned off and the passive discharge is activated and the current sense amplifier
is turned off.
3. The status bits VS_UV is set and latched until a clear command of SUP_STAT is received.
If VS rises above VS,UV, then the charge pump is reactivated (provided that CPEN is set) and the current sense
amplifier is reactivated (provided CSA_OFF = 0) but the bridge driver stays off until VS_UV is cleared. The
bridge driver will be reactivated once the VS_UV bit is cleared.
VS Overvoltage
The VS over-voltage monitoring is always active in Init-, Restart Mode and Normal Mode or when the charge
pump is enabled. If VS rises above VS,OVD1 or VS,OVD2 for more than tVSOV_FILT, then the device does the following
1. If HBxMODE = 01b or 10b , then the corresponding MOSFETs are actively turned off with their static
discharge current during their respective tHBxCCP Active.
2. Then the charge pump is turned off and the passive discharge is activated and current sense amplifier is
turned off .
3. The status bits VS_OV is set and latched until a clear command of SUP_STAT is received.
If VS and VSINT fall below VS,OVD1 or VS,OVD2:
•If CPEN = 0 : the charge pumps and the bridge driver stay off.
•If CPEN = 1 :
–If BDOV_REC = 0 : Then the charge pump is reactivated (provided that CPEN = 1 and CP_UV = 0) but the
bridge driver stays off until VS_OV and VSINT_OV are cleared. The current sense amplifier is
reactivated provided that CSA_OFF = 0
–If BDOV_REC = 1 : Then the charge pump and the current sense amplifier are reactivated and the bridge
driver is enabled if VCP > VCPUVx, even if VS_OV or VSINT_OV is set. The state of the external MOSFETs is
according to the control registers.

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