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TLE9185QXV33 Datasheet(PDF) 92 Page - Infineon Technologies AG

Part # TLE9185QXV33
Description  BLDC Driver
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Manufacturer  INFINEON [Infineon Technologies AG]
Direct Link  http://www.infineon.com
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BLDC Driver
Supervision Functions
Watchdog Function
The watchdog is used to monitor the communication with the microcontroller and to trigger a reset or move
the device to Fail Safe Mode, if the microcontroller stops serving the watchdog.
Two different types of watchdog functions are implemented and can be selected via the bit WD_CFG:
• Time-Out Watchdog (default value)
•Window Watchdog
The respective watchdog functions can be selected and programmed in Normal Mode. The configuration stays
unchanged in Stop Mode.
Please refer to Table 27 to match the device modes with the respective watchdog modes.
The watchdog timing is programmed via SPI command in the register WD_CTRL. As soon as the watchdog is
programmed, the timer starts with the new setting and the watchdog must be served. The watchdog is
triggered by sending a valid SPI-write command to the watchdog configuration register. The watchdog trigger
command is executed when the SPI command is interpreted.
When coming from Init Mode, Restart Mode or in certain cases from Stop Mode, the watchdog timer is always
started with a long open window. The long open window (tLW) allows the microcontroller to run its
initialization sequences and then to trigger the watchdog via SPI.
The watchdog timer period can be selected via SPI (WD_TIMER).The timer setting is valid for both watchdog
The following watchdog timer periods are available:
• WD Setting 1: 10 ms
• WD Setting 2: 20 ms
• WD Setting 3: 50 ms
• WD Setting 4: 100 ms
• WD Setting 5: 200 ms
• WD Setting 6: 500 ms
• WD Setting 7: 1 s
• WD Setting 8: 10 s
In case of a reset, Restart Mode or Fail-Safe Mode is entered according to the configuration and the SPI bits
WD_FAIL are set. Once the RSTN goes high again the watchdog immediately starts with a long open window
the device enters automatically Normal Mode.
The Watchdog behaviour in Software Development Mode is described in Chapter 5.4.7.
Table 27
Watchdog Functionality by modes
Watchdog Mode
Init Mode
Starts with Long Open
Watchdog starts with Long Open Window after RSTN
is released.
Normal Mode
WD Programmable
Window Watchdog, Time-Out watchdog or switched
off for Stop Mode.
Stop Mode
Watchdog is fixed or off
Sleep Mode
Device will start with Long Open Window when
entering Normal Mode.
Restart Mode
Device will start with Long Open Window when
entering Normal Mode.

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