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TLE9185QXV33 Datasheet(PDF) 79 Page - Infineon Technologies AG

Part # TLE9185QXV33
Description  BLDC Driver
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Manufacturer  INFINEON [Infineon Technologies AG]
Direct Link  http://www.infineon.com
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BLDC Driver
Gate Drivers
• VS overvoltage or VSINT overvoltage
• Charge pump undervoltage and charge pump blank time (tCPUVBLANK)
• Charge pump overtemperature (CP_OT)
• VDS overvoltage after active discharge in Normal Mode
• In Init Mode, Stop Mode, Fail Safe Mode, Restart Mode and Sleep Mode (exceptions for low-sides in parking
braking and VS / VSINT overvoltage braking , refer to Chapter 9.6 and Chapter 10.9.3)
Slam mode
The slam mode is applicable in Normal Mode.
If the SLAM bit is set in BRAKE register:
1. If HBxMODE = 01b or 10b , then the corresponding MOSFETs are actively turned off with their static
discharge current during their respective tHBxCCP Active.
2. Then charge pump is deactivated independently from CPEN
3. Then PWM1/CRC input pin is mapped to LS1, LS2, LS3, independently from PWM_NB, HBxMODE and
a) If PWM1/CRC is High, then the low-side MOSFETs are turned on within tON_BRAKE.
b) If PWM1/CRC is Low, then the low-side MOSFETs are turned off within tOFF_BRAKE.
There is also the possibility to disable selectively the LSx in SLAM mode.
Parking braking mode
If PARK_BRK_EN bit is set, while the device goes in Sleep Mode or in Stop Mode:
1. If HBxMODE = 01b or 10b , then the corresponding MOSFETs are actively turned off with their static
discharge current during their respective tHBxCCP Active.
2. Then charge pump is deactivated independently from CPEN bit.
3. Then the passive discharge (RGGND) of the low-sides is deactivated, the passive discharge of the high-sides
are activated
4. If PWM1/CRC is High, then the low-side MOSFETs are turned on within tON_BRAKE.
Refer to Chapter 10.9.2 for the protection of the of low-side MOSFETs against short circuits when the parking
braking mode is activated.

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