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TLE9185QXV33 Datasheet(PDF) 78 Page - Infineon Technologies AG |
TLE9185QXV33 Datasheet(HTML) 78 Page - Infineon Technologies AG |
78 / 192 page Datasheet 78 Rev. 1.0 2021-01-21 TLE9185QXV33 BLDC Driver Gate Drivers 9.4 Passive discharge Resistors (RGGND) between the gate of GHx and GND, and between GLx and GND, ensure that the external MOSFETs are turned off in the following conditions: • VCC1 undervoltage • HBxMODE = 00B in Normal Mode • CPEN = 0 in Normal Mode • CSA Overcurrent detection with OCEN = 1 in normal mode 100100B IDCHG36 62.4 +/- 30 % 100101B IDCHG37 65.2 +/- 30 % 100110B IDCHG38 68 +/- 30 % 100111B IDCHG39 70.8 +/- 30 % 101000B IDCHG40 73.7 +/- 30 % 101001B IDCHG41 76.6 +/- 30 % 101010B IDCHG42 79.5 +/- 30 % 101011B IDCHG43 82.5 +/- 30 % 101100B IDCHG44 85.5 +/- 30 % 101101B IDCHG45 88.5 +/- 30 % 101110B IDCHG46 91.5 +/- 30 % 101111B IDCHG47 94.6 +/- 30 % 110000B IDCHG48 97.7 +/- 30 % 110001B IDCHG49 100.9 +/- 30 % 110010B IDCHG50 104.2 +/- 30 % 110011B IDCHG51 107.5 +/- 30 % 110100B IDCHG52 110.8 +/- 30 % 110101B IDCHG53 114.2 +/- 30 % 110110B IDCHG54 117.6 +/- 30 % 110111B IDCHG55 121 +/- 30 % 111000B IDCHG56 124.5 +/- 30 % 111001B IDCHG57 128 +/- 30 % 111010B IDCHG58 131.5 +/- 30 % 111011B IDCHG59 135.1 +/- 30 % 111100B IDCHG60 138.7 +/- 30 % 111101B IDCHG61 142.3 +/- 30 % 111110B IDCHG62 145.8 +/- 30 % 111111B IDCHG63 150 +/- 30 % Table 25 Discharge currents and initial predischarge currents (cont’d) IDCHG[5:0], PDCHGINITx[5:0] Parameter name Nom. current [mA] Max. deviation to nominal values [%] |
Similar Part No. - TLE9185QXV33 |
Similar Description - TLE9185QXV33 |
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