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LTC6754 Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - Analog Devices |
LTC6754 Datasheet(HTML) 3 Page - Analog Devices |
3 / 34 page LTC6563 3 Rev. 0 For more information www.analog.com AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4 Pins VIN Input Bias Voltage Active Channel Inactive Channel 0.8 0.7 V V IIN DC Input Current Range Tilt = 0V Tilt = 3.3V 40 90 µA µA OUT and OUT Pins VOCM_DEFAULT Default Output Common-Mode Voltage ADJ = 00 0.9 V VOOD Differential Output Offset Voltage IIN = 0µA –75 ±10 75 mV TCVOOD Differential Output Offset Voltage Temperature Coefficient IIN = 0µA, –0.044 mV/°C The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C, ADJ0 = ADJ1 = PWRMD = OMUX = VCCI = HI = VCCO = 3.3V, TILT = OFFSET = 0, VCM = 1.5V. All other input pins are floating unless stated otherwise. VOUTCM is defined as (OUT + OUT )/2 and VOUTDIFF is defined as (OUT – OUT), RL_EXT = 100Ω differential, OUT connected to TERM and OUT connected to TERM. The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C, ADJ0 = ADJ1 = PWRMD = OMUX = VCCI = HI = VCCO = 3.3V, TILT = OFFSET = 0, VCM = 1.5V. All other input pins are floating unless stated otherwise. VOUTCM is defined as (OUT + OUT )/2 and VOUTDIFF is defined as (OUT – OUT), RL_EXT = 100Ω differential, OUT connected to TERM and OUT connected to TERM. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS BW –3dB Bandwidth 200mVP-P,OUT and CIN,TOT = 0.5pF 600 MHz SR Slew Rate CIN,TOT = 0.5pF 3000 V/us tR/tF Rise/Fall Time CIN,TOT = 0.5pF 0.6 ns RT Differential Small Signal Transimpedance IIN < 2µAP-P, ADJ00 IIN < 2µAP-P, ADJ01 IIN < 2µAP-P, ADJ10 IIN < 2µAP-P, ADJ11 4.9 9.6 14.1 18.1 5.55 11.1 16.7 22.2 6.5 12.5 18.2 23.4 kΩ kΩ kΩ kΩ TCRT Transimpedance Temperature Coefficient IIN < 2µAP-P, ADJ00 IIN < 2µAP-P, ADJ01 IIN < 2µAP-P, ADJ10 IIN < 2µAP-P, ADJ11 –0.00125 –0.00246 –0.00403 –0.00609 kΩ/°C kΩ/°C kΩ/°C kΩ/°C RIN Input Impedance f = 100kHz Active Channel f = 100kHz Inactive Channel 225 409 Ω Ω RTERM_DIFF Internal Diff Termination Impedance Measured from TERM to TERMBAR 100 Ω In Input Current Noise Density f = 100MHz, CIN_TOT = 0.5pF f = 200MHz, CIN_TOT = 0.5pF f = 300MHz, CIN_TOT = 0.5pF f = 400MHz, CIN_TOT = 0.5pF f = 500MHz, CIN_TOT = 0.5pF f = 600MHz, CIN_TOT = 0.5pF 1.8 2.3 2.5 3 3.4 3.7 pA/√Hz pA/√Hz pA/√Hz pA/√Hz pA/√Hz pA/√Hz Integrated Input Current Noise f = 0.1MHz to 100MHz, CIN_TOT = 0.5pF f = 0.1MHz to 200MHz, CIN_TOT = 0.5pF f = 0.1MHz to 300MHz, CIN_TOT = 0.5pF f = 0.1MHz to 400MHz, CIN_TOT = 0.5pF f = 0.1MHz to 500MHz, CIN_TOT = 0.5pF f = 0.1MHz to 600MHz, CIN_TOT = 0.5pF 19 27 36 45 55 65 nARMS nARMS nARMS nARMS nARMS nARMS tRECOVER Overload Recovery and Pulse Extension IIN = –4mA, CIN_TOT = 0.5pF 2.5 ns tCH_SWITCH Channel Switching Time Any Channel to Any Channel 10 ns tOMUX_SWITCH Output MUX Switching Time OMUX 20 ns Isolation Channel to Channel Isolation 400MHz, PWRMD = Logic Low, Selected Channel to Any Unselected Channel 48 dB |
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